Level 3: Jeff

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Oh. My. Fuck...

What have I just done?

I just left a man to fucking die is what I just did!!! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck me! Oh, fuck me!! That man was dead now because of me!!! There had been enough time for me to let him slip in and lock the door again! But I did not since I thought he was the killer trying to fool me.

He was not though!! He was just like me! trying to survive in this game and get back home! Instead, I practically just killed him! I may not have delivered the killing blow, but I might as well have put the weapon in the killer's hands!

Now I heard the chainsaw startup. I did not stay any longer. I turned and bolted out through the door I had entered from as the blades started tearing through the locked door behind me. Wood shards flew everywhere and I could feel some pelt my back as I left.

I was running so fast that the sound was dulled and almost completely gone in just a few seconds. I still sobbed as I ran. How could I live with myself now knowing that I was the reason that a guy would not be going home to his family?

What if he had a wife and kids? Or even just needed to get home to his old parents who were wondering where their son was and why he had not been answering his phone calls.

After a few more minutes of running, I slowed down. Leaning against the wall for support as I dragged myself along. So much for trying to keep my mind cool and functional. How on earth would I be able to make a clear decision after that?!

My breathing started to get a little softer now, but I still continued to cry and weep as I moved. I knew that there was no way of me actually knowing that there was another survivor on the same level as me until It was too late. Any sane person would have kept the door shut just like I did.

I still could not stop feeling absolute crippling guilt from that. The only thing keeping me collapsing onto the ground and losing it right now was a thin rope of will.

For now, I could only slightly apologize. Later I would truly get down on my knees and beg that guy's spirit for forgiveness. Now was not that time though.

I was no longer running anymore, but I was speed walking as to try and put as much distance in between me and player number fourteen as possible. I felt that no matter how fast I walked though I was always too slow. As if I were moving through sludge, or in a nightmare...well that second option was not too far from the truth.

Any second now I expected to run into him around a corner again, or for him to come up behind me. Anything was possible, that's why I needed to be as quick and quiet as I could here. I'm just glad that the cloth around my feet was not making much sound as they scraped over the dried blood I was walking all over

For the moment though it remained quiet except for my own breathing. I continued to try and open what doors I could, but only half of them would open and the other half only led to closed-off rooms. Meaning I was not able to test my theory about possible multiple segments to this level.

Glancing over my shoulder for the hundredth time, I moved away from the locked door I was standing in front of and went down the hall to the next room. This one opened, but it was a small completely empty storage closet.

I grimaced as I thought about when I hid in that laboratory-looking room. I did not even really look before had I stormed in and shut the door. What if I had just gone into a room like this with no place to hide? All he had to have done was open the door as he did, and I was dead.

That was something I would need to be more careful about from now on. I could not leave any doors open to mark bad rooms though. That was leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the killer to follow and murder my ass.

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