Level 7: At the Mercy of a Madman

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My back was burning, thankfully not too badly and all I could hear for the moment was a loud ringing as I lay face down on the cold metal floor of this new room. It was a harsh contrast from super-hot to freezing cold on different halves of my body. Worse yet is that I could do nothing about it as my body was not being responsive right now. I just had to lay there in pain and take it.

It felt like my back was sizzling like a crispy piece of bacon. I just hoped that it felt a lot worse than it actually was. I could not hear any sizzling; I could not hear anything other than the loud ringing in my ears. It felt like someone had tapped one of those metal wishbone looking things in my head and all I could hear was the reverberating vibrations all throughout my skull.

Other than my back the rest of my body was slowly starting to get numb. At first, I could feel a sharp, tingling feeling in my fingers and toes. As if I had fallen asleep on them and cut off the blood flow, giving it that static pins and needles feeling. Then, I just could not feel them anymore. It started with my fingers and toes, and my cheeks, then moved throughout my entire body until I could feel nothing but a slight tingle, and the burning sensation on my back.

I did not even know if I was breathing at this point or not. I could not hear or feel if I was, and my head was too full of ringing to feel if it was starting to get pressure in it. I was still alive so far, so I just had to assume that I was. Now here I was, stuck on a cold metal floor, not being able to feel anything but the pain in my back, and hearing nothing but an earsplitting ringing in my ears.

The problem was is that there was literally nothing I could do about this. I would either die here or have to wait until I regained control of my body so I could move. Either way the more time I spent laying here on the floor, the more likely it was that I was going to dire right here. A scary thought, but no matter how much effort I put into trying to move just one part of me, it did not work.

Exhaustion both physically and mentally were starting to take hold. If it weren't for the pain in my back, I'd probably pass out right here. It felt as if I had been in this sick game for days now. The hours just kept coming and coming and it felt like I had no time to even catch my breath before I was thrown again into some demented trap for some Psycho killer.

So, who knows? It was more likely that it was only a few hours, maybe a day tops, but who knows, maybe there was so much adrenalin pumping through my system that I had been going for days on end. I had already survived through all of this after all, what was sleep deprivation to me now huh?

Suddenly I was able to suck in a deep lungful of air that made my lips slurp against the cold floor. I was back in my body again, my limbs weren't numb anymore, though they were too weak for me to do anything. The ringing was no longer in my head so I could hear the distant sparks of broken wires. To top it off the pain in my back increased dramatically. As if before I was numb to it but now, I was feeling the brunt of it.

I let out a weak, strangled cry as I was able to lift my arms up and muster enough strength to lift my torso up so that my face was not pressed against the floor. The action caused my back to flare up all over again and I let out another shout that turned into a whimper. The remaining energy I had left me again and I crashed back down.

This time I was able to move my head to the side so that I was not lying flat down on my face. Blinking through hot tears that blurred my vision, I was able to see that I was in a brightly lit up LED room like the one that almost cooked me alive and just exploded behind me. Taking it deep and sporadic breathes, I tried to move my head, but the motion caused too much pain in my back and my whole body in general. My breathing started to become unstable as it fully hit me how vulnerable I was.

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