Chapter Sixteen ❤️❤️❤️

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Then there is a party at Granny's, just like when anything good happens, and I mean anything. Henry gets an 'A' on a project? Party at Granny's. Emma kisses Killian? Party at Granny's. Mary Margaret sneezes? Party at Granny's! Though it seems like half the towns here, Nora sits alone in a booth towards the back, sipping her hot cocoa with cinnamon and one large marshmallow. Across the way she can hear Grumpy and Granny's conversation.
"Its a good thing because if that sleeping beauty was a monkey a day longer she would have had a monkey baby. Wouldn't want to change those diapers." The loud obnoxious laughter follows and Nora looks down at her mug, gripping it tighter as she sighs. She knows she's a freak but hearing others say it is a whole other story. Nora honestly doesn't understand why everyone else changed back except her. Maybe it was because she was only partly enchanted, or she wasn't in that form when she was killed. What ever it was, it sucked. No one seems to notice her in the shadows of the booth as she listens in on the conversation going on in Henry's booth as his family, plus Killian and Ruby, pour into it. They talk about how David and Mary Margaret met and Emma complains about hearing it yet again.

"Like mother like daughter." Hooks says with a grin as he drinks his rum. Emma looks over at him.

"Hook." She hisses under her breath.

"What is he talking about?" Henry questions in confusion as Nora's head perks up.

"Uhh, should we read more stories?" David asks, trying to change the subject.

"Actually I'd like to know what the pirate is talking about." Regina says butting into the conversation with Robin.

"It's nothing." Emma says, trying to dismiss the topic.

"Are you planning on going back to New York?" Regina asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would we go back to New York?" Henry says genuinely confused as panic sets in on Nora. No Henry couldn't leave!

"You're not. Right, Ms. Swan?" Regina goes on to ask.

"Actually, it's complicated." Emma breathes out obviously dreading the conversation.

"Why would we leave? This is our home." Henry says, a bit panicked himself.

"Henry this isn't the time or place." Emma says to him. Nora couldn't believe her ears. Once again he was all she had and not only would she being taking him away from her but also his grandparents, and other mother!

"I think it is." Regina says coldly detesting the idea all together.

"No, it's not." Emma says, turning and leaving.

"I'll talk to her." Hook says, setting down his rum. David nods to him with a grim expression.

"Wait. Take this." Henry says giving Hook the Once Upon a Time book that he was reading to the baby just a few minutes ago. "It might help her remember where she belongs." Then hook leaves.

"It's going to be alright. She's just stubborn like her moth-" David starts before Mary Margaret sends him a warning glare. "Like all of our family." David says, recovering smoothly.

"Uh, grandpa." Henry says, eyes wide, looking out of the window. Nora follows his line of vision and gasps.

"Hmm." David says.

"Look." Henry says pointing out the window. Everyone turns to look in the direction he points to see an orange beam shooting through the air. "What is that?" He says as Rumple and Belle walk into Granny's. Nora sees Rumple and recognizes him from the cellar and goes rigid. She honestly would rather never see him again.

"That is a problem." Rumple says. "That light is from Zelena's time portal." Everyone's face shows different levels of anger and confusion. "It's open." Of course it is! Nora thinks as she rolls her eyes, and panic rolls through her. How can Zelena manage to do evil even from beyond the grave? David, Regina, Robin, Rumple, and Belle leave to go to the sheriff's office, where Zelena was supposedly being kept. After watching them all leave Henry looks up and around the room for Nora. Spotting her in the corner booth looking down at her mug.

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