Chapter Seventeen ❤️❤️❤️

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The next morning birds and sunlight streaming onto Nora's face wake her up, with a small whimper. Didn't these birds know she likes to sleep in? With a small yawn she sits up on the couch, fixing her silky pineapple pajama set that consists of a tanktop and shorts. No one else was up yet which mildly annoyed Nora. Now she would have to entertain herself. She gets up at pads over to the kitchen silently. What to eat what to eat? Thats when genius strikes. She'd make breakfast for everyone! What better way to repay them for feeding her, clothing her, and putting a roof over her head! She pulls out bacon, pancake mix, fresh fruit, some eggs, sausage, and potatoes to make hash browns. She gets cracking, pulling out different pots and pans. Nora has pancakes on one burner, scrambled and sunny side up eggs on another, while the sausage and bacon are turning good and brown on the third one. She has the tea kettle heating up on the last burner as she hops between the burners and cutting up the fresh fruit. Finally the pancakes and bacon are done so she can start the hash browns. Watching her cook is like watching a dance, jumping between the burners and twirling between the counter and stove. Just when she's almost done people start to wake up. David and Mary Margaret awaken first, walking into the kitchen living room area after getting dressed.

"Smells good, Em-" Mary Margaret starts but is surprised to see not Emma but Nora slaveing over to stove. Platters of bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, sunny side up eggs, over easy eggs, fruit salad, fluffy golden brown pancakes with cream made from scratch all already sits on the table.

"Uhh Nora?" Mary Margaret says as her head snaps up almost dropping the plate of hashbrowns she made. The kettle starts to go off and Nora sets one of the last platters down on the table with a sigh.

"Good morning, Mary Margaret, David!" Nora says obviously in a pretty good mood. "Tea?"

"Oh yea, sure." Mary Margaret says still awestruck. Nora smiles as she pulls out two mugs pouring in hot water before popping in the tea bags.

"You didn't have to do all this." David says with a hint of a smile as Nora looks up at them again.

"Oh but I wanted to! You all have done so much for me and one of the only things I'm decent at is cooking." As she says that the toaster dings and she claps her hands together. "My english muffins." She says as she pulls the last two out and sets that plate down as well. She grabs some strawberry jam, grape jelly, and apricot spread down on the table as well, before setting out the plates and silver where. All the while David and Mary Margaret just watch her.

"Have a seat!" Nora says happily as she goes over to get their teas. They do so slightly hesitantly as Nora hands them their mugs.

"Where did you learn to cook?" Asks Mary Margaret as Nora adds serving utensils to their respective bowls and or platters.

"Umm mostly trial and error, some youtube, experimenting, being forced to do it every single day." Nora lists as she starts washing some of the dishes that she used to make all the food with. "You know the normal stuff, I guess. I'm honestly not that good of a cook, but I make due." Mary Margaret scoffs.

"No, you have a talent." Nora laughs and shakes her head.

"Well that makes one." As she says that a very confused and sleepy Emma and Henry come down the steps.

"What's with all the food?" Emma asks looking between her parents and Nora who is still cleaning up the kitchen and putting things away.

"Nora made it." David says as Nora smiles. Emma looks over at Nora shocked.

"You made all of this." Nora shrugs and smiles.

"It's not that big of a deal." Nora says as Henry laughs.

"And I thought you were just okay at cooking." Nora laughs and sticks out her tongue at Henry.

"Have a seat and dig in. I think I made a little bit too much, so seriously stuff your faces." Nora smiles as she finishes tidying up. Emma and Henry sit down still in a little shock.

"I'm going to change really quickly, and then I'll be back." Ducking off to the bathroom to change the family looks at each other.

"Well. I didn't know she could cook." Emma says, not knowing how to react to the huge breakfast.

"Me either." Henry says, biting into a pancake.

"I didn't even know we had this much food in the apartment." Emma says, raising an eyebrow.

"This is our only food... Wait she just wasted all our food!" David says, coming to a realization.

"When we're we ever going to cook it, David? You should be grateful. We haven't had a home cooked meal in ages." Mary Margaret says, scolding her husband.

"Yeah. I think it's nice." Henry says between mouthfuls.

"Of course you do, kid." Emma says rolling her eyes.

"What? How could free, home cooked food ever be bad? It just so happens to be that Nora cooked it." He laughs.

"Sure, kid." Emma says as she starts to put food on her plate, and Mary Margaret and David do so also.

A few minutes later Nora reapers from the bathroom. Now dressed in a pale blue T shirt with a old timey bike printed on it, ripped skinny jeans, brown leather lace up boots, and a large wooly cardigan thrown over. Oh and let's not forget the white flower crown that Mary Margaret insisted she get.

"Woah, when did you get clothes?" Asks Emma just realising she was wearing her own clothes.

"I took her yesterday when you were gone." Mary Margaret pipes up, sipping her tea. That reminds her.

"Oh Emma, Henry, I completely forgot! Do you want something to drink?" Nora asks before she goes to sit down.

"Apple Juice is fine, I guess." Emma says. Henry opens his mouth to reply but Nora beats him to it.

"Let me guess." Nora says turning and pulling out apple juice and orange juice from the fridge. "Orange juice."

"Yep. You know me too well, Nora." Henry says, pouring himself a glass. The rest of the family looks between the two but they don't notice, they are too focused on each other.

Nora pours herself a glass of chocolate milk, before finally sitting down. Nora sighs as she starts to fill her plate.

"I'm kind of scared to ask but, how does everything taste?" Nora asks as she smears some homemade cream on her pancakes before dousing them thoroughly in maple syrup.

"It's okay." David says, unamused.

"It's pretty good." Emma replies, with a shrug.

"It's delightful, Nora." Mary Margaret smiles.

"I love it!" Henry says, his mouth full.

"Thank you." Nora says, accepting the praise as her mouth accepts the yummy fluffy heaven that is a pancake.

"So any plans for today?" Nora asks, wide eyed and bushy tailed. She thought she wasn't a morning person? Oh well.

"We were planning on taking Neal on a stroll through town. We have his stroller all prepared." Mary Margaret says, cheerfully.

"And I'm pretty sure on this family stroll some crazy event will come up, like always." Emma says. Nora laughs and eats some of her bacon, and an english muffin slathered with apricot spread, the second best to blackberry jam.

"I've only been in town for a month-ish and I've put that together." Nora says wiping jelly from her nose. Henry smiled at her from across the table and Nora couldn't help but smile back as she popped a piece of pineapple in her mouth, it was infectious. Today was going to be a good day. She could just feel it as she tossed Henry a wink when his family wasn't paying attention.


So, this is just a cute little breakfast chapter. Not much, but I thought it would be kind of cute after all the stuff that's happened so far. Next chapter will have to do with more of the actual plot but also some Nory fluff as well XD Because who doesn't love Nory (stfu Nory haters no one cares jk jk)?!?!? Anyway vote, comment, and share because you can and you should ;) Read on our flying fans!
Claire and Alona

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