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"Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown

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"Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown."

Stiles' Point of View

Dad was attacked at the high school. Theo made sure of it and I have no idea what to think right now. I'm standing at the reception desk in the hospital hallway, trying to work through all of the medical bullshit you're supposed to when something like this happens but everything's too loud and too bright and just wrong.

"Stilinski, right?" the nurse at the desk asks, clicking through her computer. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a deputy?"

"No, he's—he's the sheriff," I correct her, somewhat irritably, and I know it isn't her fault that any of this happened, but she's the one that has the unfortunate pleasure of dealing with me in the aftermath. "He's the county sheriff, okay? He's covered. I mean, he should be covered."

There's a hand on my back, comfortingly, and for a moment, I think that it has to be Ainsley. But when I turn over my shoulder to confirm it, I realize that I'm wrong. It's Melissa, and she has a gentle, sympathetic expression on her face. "I'll take care of it," she assures the nurse, and me, taking a clipboard of paperwork from the desk. She puts her arm around me and guides me away from the desk to the opposite side of the hall. "I texted Scott. He's coming as soon as he can. I can call Ainsley?"

I shake my head. "No, no, no," I say. "Don't call anyone."

Everything in me wants nothing more than for Ainsley to be beside me, but she hasn't been answering her phone. That only fills me with more anxiety because I have no idea where she is and Theo's ominous threats about only being able to save two out of three. Scott's fine, Dad's in surgery, but Ainsley is nowhere to be found and I'm deathly afraid he's done something to her that can't be undone.

Melissa nods as the nurse from behind the desk calls out to me, "Is there anyone else we should notify? A next of kin?"

"No, it's me," I answer automatically. Then the weight of the words sink in. Alone—I'm alone. No friends, and if anything goes wrong with Dad's surgery, no family. I have Ainsley, yes, but I'm more inclined now than ever to think that Theo's done something heinous to her. "It's just me."


I'm not sure how much time has passed, but I know that it's been significant. Sitting in the hospital waiting room, I allow myself to doze off just the slightest bit.

But then someone's shaking my shoulder. "Stiles, you need to get up," Dad's voice says. "You gotta get up now."

I startle, blinking my eyes open and hoping that everything that's transpired in the last few days has just been some sort of nightmare. It isn't the case, however, because I'm sitting in the hospital waiting room still. Melissa is kneeling in front of me, her hand on my shoulder.

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