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"You've come a long way, open the blinds, let me see your face

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"You've come a long way, open the blinds, let me see your face. You wouldn't be the first renegade to need somebody."

The Sheriff's Station has never been my friend.

It's where many things happened that I wish I could go back and erase from my memory. Like tonight, after everything that had happened, I'm seated in one of the chairs in the bullpen, where dozens of deputies are running around from desk to desk, where a different member of our friend group is sat.

Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and me; all here to give our eye-witness reports on Allison's death.


My heart shatters again and a sob escapes my throat as the crushing wave of realization washes over my again.

She's dead, and I was the one who misinterpreted what I'd been hearing.

I didn't hear her name, but Lydia's message should have been enough for me to realize that something was going to happen if we went looking for her. And now she's gone. Allison Argent is dead and we can't go back and change it.

It's all my fault. It's all my fault.

Mom is standing right beside me, and so is David. Both have their hands on my shoulders as Parrish sits in front of me, waiting patiently for me to stop crying so that I can answer his questions.

"Ainsley," he says gently. "Tell me what happened."

I sniffle, wiping my face on the sleeve of my leather jacket. "It all happened so fast," I say, remembering the coaching Argent had given us all before the police got to the scene.

How he's managing to hold it together is beyond me when he's the one who lost his daughter.

Parrish nods. "I know, and that's okay," he assures me. "But whatever you remember will help us find the people responsible for doing this to your friend."

"Scott called Mr. Argent first," I state, more tears welling in my eyes. David squeezes my shoulder and Mom combs her hand through my hair. My throat burns still from the scream I released for Allison's death, but I push through it. "There were two of them..." I release a heavy breath. "They tried to steal our car; they wore masks. I –" I clamp my eyes shut as more tears push through. "I think one of them had a knife. I-I don't know, I just saw something sharp and it was reflecting off the streetlights."

The lies feel foreign and horrid on my tongue. I can't believe we have to lie about her death. I know why we can't very well say the truth, but it still feels wrong.

"Can you remember anything else, Ainsley?" Parrish questions, setting a comforting hand on my knee. I vaguely see him glancing up at Mom and David before returning to me in a soft voice, "Anything else?"

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