Chapter 109

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“Then, let me ask you this. Why are you hesitating to accept the role of Prince Myeong-Hwan? Based on your reaction, I don’t think you completely dislike the role,” asked Director Yoon Seon.

Director Yoon grumbled about how this situation was giving him false hope. Since Woo-Jin couldn’t refute it, he looked up at the clouds. Just like how the clouds change shape constantly, Woo-Jin changed his mind several times throughout the day.

“Because any actor would want the role of Prince Myeong-Hwan that’s portrayed in the Red Enemy. I agree that the actor Chae Woo-Jin wants to accept the role,” he said.

That’s why Woo-Jin couldn’t strongly reject the role. Perhaps, it would’ve been better if he didn’t read the script. If Woo-Jin hadn’t read that, he would’ve already declined the role regardless of what the director and the people around him said. However, actor Chae Woo-Jin was unable to fully let go of Prince Myeong-Hwan because of the growth opportunities available when acting in this movie. Hyun-Min’s suggestion to grab the opportunity when he had the chance kept repeating in his head. Even Woo-Jin himself thought that his dawdling was frustrating and despite the fact that he created this situation, he was angry and annoyed.

“Then, what is the normal Chae Woo-Jin thinking about?” asked the director.

“I’m afraid that my mental boundaries will break down,” answered Woo-Jin.

Since Woo-Jin couldn’t tell Director Yoon about his past life, it was difficult for him to put his feelings into words. Instead, he explained the mental confusion and depression that actors experienced after filming.

“What should I do if I lose myself in the role and start becoming delusional once I’m done filming? What should I do if it affects human Chae Woo-Jin’s personality? I’m scared that the boundary between me and Prince Myeong-Hwan will break down to the point where I won’t know who I am anymore,” explained Woo-Jin.

“Have you experienced something similar before?”

Woo-Jin shook his head after hearing Director Yoon’s question. If the role was a character of a different historical figure, then Woo-Jin wouldn’t have to think so hard about it.

This would be different from the photo shoots where he had to act out a different personality. For those situations, he acted by reflecting on the life he had once lived. Woo-Jin wouldn’t have to think so hard about it he had to act as if Prince Myeong-Hwan had been time-warped to the future. But in this current situation, he could only feel embarrassed because it felt like he was writing his own autobiography.

Woo-Jin’s feelings were so complicated it was hard to put into words. He was required to act as Prince Myeong-Hwan, who was one of his past lives, not for days or hours, but for months. Woo-Jin was worried about whether he’d be able to return to reality with normalcy afterward. There wasn’t a set rule that Prince Myeong-Hwan’s personality wasn’t going to affect Woo-Jin’s personality. It would be all too easy for the wall to keep crumbling once the first crack happened. It would be difficult to guarantee what would happen after that. It was inevitable that he would feel afraid of a situation that he had never experienced before.

“It’s a fear that many actors experience and grapple with, but you’ve never experienced this before, so why are you feeling so apprehensive about Prince Myeong-Hwan? Especially when we haven’t even started filming yet,” said Director Yoon Seon.

Woo-Jin didn’t know what to say, so he accidentally told a lie.

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“That’s because…I really like Prince Myeong-Hwan and he’s my idol. I can’t stop thinking about the possibility of being too immersed once I get into character.”

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