Chapter 25

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“Is there anything you’d like to learn?” asked Kang Ho-Soo.

“Anything I’d like to learn?”

Woo-Jin, who was writing down his answers on the questionnaire, lifted his head and looked at Kang Ho-Soo.

“Yes, such as musical instruments, foreign languages, etc. Normally, you need to take classes on history and general knowledge, but I don’t think that’s necessary in your case. Also, you have some time since your acting classes are put on hold until after your movie gets released - we will decide after looking at it.”

While Woo-Jin was supposed to be trained by his agency on how to conduct himself during interviews, as well as social etiquette, he did not have to take any classes on general knowledge and academic subjects. It was also uncertain whether it was necessary for Woo-Jin, who had been highly praised by the two directors, to take acting classes so they were temporarily held off.

However, if the agency’s artists were specifically interested in learning other things, they were more than welcome to use the budget allocated for them.

“If I can learn an instrument, I would like to learn the violin.”

Woo-Jin was now proficient at playing the piano, but he had not gotten an opportunity to learn the violin. He was confident that if he were to practice playing the violin as much as he did with the piano, he could be proficient at it too. Now that this opportunity had finally presented itself, Woo-Jin’s voice was full of anticipation.

“String instruments are somewhat…”

“I can’t learn it?” asked Woo-Jin.

“Well, you might get calluses on your hand. Furthermore, violins tend to leave some marks on your jaw,” replied Kang Ho-soo.

“That’s true.”

“You can take those lessons when you get the chance to learn it later on. Since you’re still a rookie, you have to show your face a lot and you can’t afford to have any flaws or blemishes on your face. The public is not forgiving when it comes to things like that,” explained Kang Ho-soo.

In contrast with his intentions, Kang Ho-Soo’s smile looked cruel. Regardless of whether he understood what Kang Ho-Soo meant or not, Woo-Jin simply swallowed his saliva and nodded. On the other hand, when Kang Ho-Soo asked him if there was anything else he would like to learn apart from instruments, his gleaming eyes were extremely fierce.

“What about Chinese?” asked Woo-Jin.

“Chinese? It’s a good choice. If you are thinking about expanding into the Chinese-speaking market, of course, it’ll be good for you to learn it. You’re going to start learning from the basics, right?”

“No. I can understand, speak, write, and read Chinese, but…because I’m self-taught, it’s not entirely perfect or natural, especially when it comes to pronunciation,” replied Woo-Jin.

In one of his past lives, Woo-Jin had been born in China and had lived there in the olden days, so his pronunciation was very different from the Chinese that people spoke in the present era. He knew several Chinese dialects, including Mandarin and Cantonese, etc., but he had to correct his pronunciation to match the modern version of those dialects.

“I understand. I will look for a teacher who is a native speaker, but I have to say that it’s amazing how you were able to learn Chinese on your own,” remarked Kang Ho-Soo.

“I’m fortunate enough to be good at picking up languages, so I’m able to speak some foreign languages.”

Woo-Jin, who had unintentionally developed more skill sets via recalling his past lives, felt embarrassed by his self-praise and scratched his cheek awkwardly.

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