Chapter 108

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“It’s true, and what do you mean unnie is going through hardships? The place she’s living at is better than my dorm….” Kim Tae-Hwa said.

“Oh my! How could you two be so different despite being twins? Your sister always talks nicely and is affectionate, but you’re so cold, and what did you say? The place she’s living at is better? Do you think she should live in a place like yours when she’s making music? Also, did I tell you to live in a dorm? You should just live at a nice place too,” her mother said.

Blaming her sister out of anger when she voluntarily chose to move into a dorm had Kim Tae-Hwa’s mother scoffing at Kim Tae-Hwa for being ridiculous.

“Excluding my tuition and living expenses, I send the rest of the money to you, so how can I live in a better place?” Kim Tae-Hwa asked.

At this point, Woo-Jin felt dumbfounded. As a third-person listening in on the conversation, he was speechless after hearing the mother had come all this way just to complain how Kim Tae-Hwa didn’t send back a lot of money this month. Then she even told her to live in a nice place?

“Are you trying to show off that you have money?” her mother asked.

“I’m telling you that I’m in a tough situation, not trying to show off,” Kim Tae-Hwa answered.

When her mother’s voice gradually sounded sharper, Kim Tae-Hwa mumbled quietly as she hunched her shoulders.

“Who told you to go to college? We told you before that we couldn’t support you since Tae-In wanted to study the violin. We even suggested that you attend a college in Gyeonggi-Do so you can continue staying at home, but you moved to Seoul to attend the University of Korea out of pure selfishness, so you do things on your own! This is my first time seeing a child trying to suck out every last bit from her parents! You should’ve listened and become a government official. Even if you graduate from a famous college, kids these days end up in civil service anyway, so why are you wasting time like this? Had you become a government official, all of us, including Tae-In, would’ve been happy,” her mother explained.

Woo-Jin noticed how Kim Tae-Hwa clenched her fist while listening to her mother’s complaints with her head down. She controlled her emotions by clenching and loosening her fist a few times, but in the end, she couldn’t endure it anymore and spoke to her mother in a repressed voice.

“If we’re in a difficult situation because of Tae-In’s study abroad expenses, then why not ask Tae-Hyuk to get a part-time job too? He's a college student now, so he can….”

But even after gathering the courage to comment, she watched her mother’s reaction, which caused her voice to become quieter.

“What? You want the little boy to do what?” Kim Tae-Hwa’s mother asked.

“I got a part-time job at his age and helped the family while earning my own living expenses,” she told her.

“What are you talking about? You never did that. Here you go again with your nonsense. Anyways, you should get that mythomania fixed first. Do you think I’m doing this because I hate you? I’m doing this so that you can grow up to be a better person,” her mother explained.

Even though Woo-Jin didn’t know a lot about Kim Tae-Hwa, he at least knew that she didn’t have mythomania, and during this time, the sound of her mother telling her to stop lying filled the parking lot. Kim Tae-Hwa’s mother was pretty experienced in crushing a person’s self-esteem.

“I went through so much pain giving birth to all of you, so all of you are precious to me,” she said.

Her mother suddenly changed the subject and started comforting her daughter by telling her about her twin sister’s hardships as she had to compete against her wealthy friends. She also mentioned how her brother was still too young and immature to get a part-time job.

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