Chapter 36

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Of course, understanding something and applying it was not an easy task. Just because his soul remained the same, did not mean that his personality or disposition was the same across his previous lives. Since Chae Woo-Jin and his past identities had completely different characters, it was evident that they had no influence on each other as they were individuals who existed independently.

Hence, up until now, whenever he acted, he would utilize his past lives as references to aid him in doing a better job at portraying the characters. However, he did not have the luxury of doing that now due to time constraints. He had no time to think, analyze and contemplate with the incessant buzzing of camera shutters.

Under such circumstances, the quickest solution was to directly take on the character of one of his past lives. Woo-Jin did just that, casting aside his own nature for the time being. In this critical situation, he chose deceitful improvisation over the truth. A smile gradually appeared on Woo-Jin's face, which had been hardened. The look in his eyes started to turn cold and arrogant. At this moment, everyone who was present here was either his dependent or a lower-ranking person who had to obey his orders.

The clothes and accessories that he was wearing were prepared for him; he did not have to do anything to get them. The concept of material needs existed only to satisfy his desires; they were not a tool to prove his worth. His existence had already deemed him worthy. The clothes and accessories that he was wearing had value because he was the one wearing them. These items would become priceless because he wore them. Such was the origin of luxury goods.

It had been apparent that Woo-Jin was conscious of the value of the clothes and accessories through his cautious actions, but now, his cautious gestures were decisive. As Woo-Jin was pressing down on his temples, he looked at Kim Jun-Yeol. His cold eyes were at ease, like that of a predator who had found something that piqued his interest.

Kim Jun-Yeol paused for a second when he saw Woo-Jin's sudden change in facial expression and gestures. Chae Woo-Jin no longer had a look of forced arrogance within the timid look on his face. At some point, Chae Woo-Jin started giving off an unapproachable aura through the lens. Kim Jun-Yeol took his eyes off of the viewfinder for a moment and looked at Chae Woo-Jin. He had subconsciously avoided looking Woo-Jin in the eye.

Kim Jun-Yeol had met several people who were renowned leaders, from politicians to CEOs of conglomerates, but he had never once avoided their gaze. Regardless of who they were, they were nothing more than a model, a subject that he had to take photos of. Photographers should never avoid the gaze of the subject's eyes, which showed their inner feelings.

However, Kim Jun-Yeol had avoided the model's gaze without realizing it today. That was because the moment their eyes met, he felt that he would be devoured by Woo-Jin's charisma and the heavy aura surrounding him. More importantly, he got goosebumps all over his body which almost brought him to his knees.

“Now that's real!”

The emotions Woo-Jin expressed was neither an act nor a sloppy impersonation. Woo-Jin was naturally emitting a sense of confidence and arrogance that only high ranking people possessed. He had finally given Kim Jun-Yeol the look that he had been searching for. Kim Jun-Yeol tried his best to focus, as he forced himself to straighten his shoulders that were hunched from the overwhelming aura.

“Hold up, I don't think...this pose is…”

The documents were no longer there, and Woo-Jin had started browsing through one of the books on the desk. His left hand was in his pocket, causing a third of the watch to be hidden. Nevertheless, it was still better than his previous poses. Thus, there was no point in criticizing it.

“Didn't you tell me that I'm allowed to pose however I want to?” Woo-Jin asked Kim Jun-Yeol in a graceful tone. Woo-Jin had skillfully adjusted his tone to fit the look of an arrogant sovereign, so even though he was speaking formally, the listeners felt as though he was addressing them casually.

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