Chapter 5

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Seeing how Woo-Jin was blaming himself, trying to recall what he could have possibly done wrong, like what rookies normally do, Director Moon let him be and said to Kang Hee-Joo harshly, "Ara! Come here and take a look at your facial expression."

Director Moon looked stern when he beckoned Kang Hee-Joo over. He turned the screen around and showed her the scene they had just shot. Ara should have been repulsed by A due to the fear and pain that he put her through, but on the screen, her expression had turned from that into a blissful one in an instant, as she was caught closing her eyes slowly.

"Oh my!" Kang Hee-Joo exclaimed. There was no need to say more. As a veteran actor, she realized her mistake and felt ashamed. She covered her red face as she organized her emotions, before getting into character once again and resuming shooting. However, recognizing the problem and fixing it seemed difficult even for a veteran actor.

"Ah, why don't we just remove the kissing scene?" One of the staff members stated his opinion in a weak voice after the continuous bad takes, but it was immediately dismissed.

"Why should we remove such a great scene?! I'm not going to do that," Director Moon insisted.

The kissing scene was originally supposed to be done with the male lead, Park Min, but he had been replaced with A. However, the atmosphere was driving them insane. It was clearly a violent and repulsive scene, but A's forceful kiss was so sexy that it made one shudder just by looking at it. It was stimulating. Looking at Kang Hee-Joo, who had failed to empathize and was completely immersed in her kiss with Woo-Jin at some point, it was clear that not only did his kiss look sexy, he was actually good at kissing in reality.

"What a lucky guy," mumbled one of the staff members, feeling gloomy. Even if it was only because of the bad takes, he was not sure whether or not he was envious of Chae Woo-Jin for being able to kiss a beautiful actress that many times, or whether he was simply envious of Woo-Jin's great kissing skills, which could elicit such a facial expression from her.

"At this rate, our movie might become R-rated," someone said. The staff members who were present at the scene thought that the kissing scene was more sexually charged than most bed scenes.

Even though the remark had been muttered softly, Director Moon snorted when he heard it. He proudly declared, "We can't receive a PG rating anyway. Let's give up on it! It'll make us feel more at ease if we just forget about it!"

Originally, ever since the planning stage, they had planned to give up on getting a PG rating. They had not been expecting it in the first place, because the setting of the movie itself was a story that swept through the dark side of society, but their main concern was what rating they would end up getting.

"Loosen Ara's shirt a little more, and A is too well-mannered! I'm telling you to fondle with your hands in a lewd manner like A would." Director Moon smiled insidiously as he pretended to rub something.

Seeing how Director Moon was personally showing that he had given up on getting a PG rating, the staff followed suit and did what they had to do. They fixed Kang Hee-Joo's smeared lipstick and loosened her shirt, which barely showed her skin, such that her shoulders were almost exposed. Woo-Jin's pupils dilated upon seeing that. He was very flustered.

Kang Hee-Joo smiled and spoke to Woo-Jin for the first time. "A, I mean, Mr. Woo-Jin." As she was 32 years old, she spoke informally to Woo-Jin.

"Ah, yes..." Woo-Jin began.

"Two of my movies prior to this film flopped, one after another. Do you know what that means?"


"No matter how popular you were in the past, if your movie flopped twice or thrice, your value will decrease exponentially, and especially so if you're an actress over 30. I really need to succeed this time. So don't hesitate to treat Ara the way A would. You can touch my bare breasts."

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