Chapter 59

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Kang Ho-Soo hesitated for a moment, thinking about how to answer Hwang Yi-Young's question. The story about Woo-Jin's family affairs was akin to a makjang drama, and Kang Ho-Soo was unsure of talking about it in Woo-Jin's absence. However, he felt that Hwang Yi-Young should know a little more of the inside information, so he finally said something, "He did, but not anymore."

"What do you mean by that?"

Woo-Jin's paternal family didn't run a conventional conglomerate, but they were still very well-off and successful; the business passed down from generation to generation had also been solid. Woo-Jin's biological father, who had inherited the business, was a good businessman, and the family business had prospered under his leadership. He had also started a new business on top of that and was currently on a roll.

However, there's no such thing as a human who's perfect in all aspects, as one could tell by looking at Woo-Jin's biological father. After getting a divorce, Woo-Jin's biological father remarried shortly after. His new wife was a docile woman coming from a rather good family. She had given birth to a son the following year, but she couldn't stand the marriage any longer and got a divorce five years later because of the continued extramarital affair by Woo-Jin's biological father with the same mistress.

"So, his wife from his third marriage is the biological mother of Woo-Jin's half-sister."

"His mistress has finally become his lawful wife?"

"You can say that. However, the problem is that Woo-Jin's younger brother... had passed away in a horseback riding accident last year." All the problems stemmed from Woo-Jin's younger brother's death from the previous year.

"In that case, that would mean Woo-Jin is the only son in the family now. Don't tell me his biological father is suddenly trying to win him over by saying things like, 'You're my only son,' etcetera. That's not the case, right?" Hwang Yi-Young had a serious look as she continued saying how she had seen similar things in dramas.

"Even though it's not a drama, the reality is even worse. Additionally, I heard that his family is very patriarchal, and they value sons a lot more than daughters. That said, you never know. When Woo-Jin's parents had gotten a divorce, not only did his father give up custody over their children but also gave up parental rights."

When Park Eun-Soo had asked for a divorce, the most important thing that she couldn't give up on was her parental rights and custody over Woo-Jin and Woo-Hee. Of course, it would be pointless to seek parental rights over Woo-Jin, who was now an adult, but from a symbolic and moral standpoint, his biological father was not qualified to do that.

"This is absolutely ridiculous. He doesn't care about his children or anything else when he's crazy about a woman."

"Hwang Yi-Young!" Kang Ho-Soo felt she had gone overboard and quietly restrained her. Aware of his intention, Hwang Yi-Young covered her mouth with both hands as she nodded.

"Well, he's been undergoing fertility treatments with his wife for the time being. If they succeed, Chae Woo-Jin won't be in their lives, just like it's always been. But if it fails...." Just thinking about it made his head hurt. Naturally, Woo-Jin would not waver or change his mind. It was more of a question of how the other side would act. If his biological father tried to act fatherly because of his need for Woo-Jin instead of genuine fatherly love, it would definitely hurt Woo-Jin.

"We should be prepared to a certain extent."

"I agree."

"Come to think of it, I feel that Woo-Jin's half-sister is kind of pitiful. Her presence must have been unwelcomed in her stepmother's eyes, being labeled as an illegitimate child, and as a result, might have gone through some kind of trauma during her adolescence." After hearing what the kindhearted Hwang Yi-Young said, Kang Ho-Soo couldn't hold back his laughter and burst out laughing. They were sitting quite a distance away from the set, so it did not affect the shooting, but he quickly covered his mouth, stifling his laughter.

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