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~Two Days Later~

"I still can't believe you went on a month-long work trip without telling us, and how could you forget your phone?" Your father asked as you handed him a plate piled with pancakes. He gingerly took it and gave you a thankful look.

"I know, I won't let it happen, again." You assured as you handed your mother her glass of orange juice. "So, you're both heading out today? Heading back home?"

"Yes, but we were glad to see you were okay. Your friends were really worried." Your mother took a sip of her drink as her gaze fell to your neck. She seemed to choke for a moment. "________, is that... is that a hickey?"

"What?!" You looked at the mirror hanging in your hallway and to your embarrassment, there was a dark, purple hickey just below your neck. You seriously needed to talk with your "emperor" about how he handled you. You covered the hickey and looked at your parents with a smile. "Oh, that's just a bruise I got from my co-worker by accident, not a hickey..." You lied causally, but they didn't really buy it yet.

"Oh, I didn't know! When were you going to tell us about your "co-worker" then?" Your mother asked, a bright smile coming to her face.

"I want to at least meet this person, making sure they aren't a bunch of-"

"Dad!" You stopped before he could go on. "I was going to mention them, it's just... there are things about them you might not like."

"What? Are they like psychopathic murderers or something?" Your father joked, but he sort of hit the target with that comment.

"They're different. Not like us. they're... not from around here and they can be a bit of a jerk."

"Oh, sweetie. Why would you settle for a jerk?" Your mother became concerned, but you held up your hands in assurance.

"They were rude at first, but... they become very kind to me and have opened up a lot since we met." You stepped over to the kitchen and began to put the rest of the extra pancakes into some Tupperware. You had two dozen pancakes and had purposely made a lot of extra. "We actually met on that trip."

"You're dating someone you've only known for a month?" Your father sent over a cautious look and you laughed.

"Being in close proximity to someone for hours on end for a whole month makes you pretty close." You sealed the tubber-ware and grabbed your phone, heading to the door. "I'm heading to my friend's place. Mind locking up for me when you leave?"

"Sure thing, sweetie. We'll see you in a couple of weeks." Your mother chirped and gave a slight wave. You waved slightly, before stepping out the door and clicking it shut behind you. You took a deep breath, before pressing your fingers to your head and focusing on that familiar ki energy. You blinked, appearing outside of a spaceship where you could see some of the others packing away the last few things. You glanced over to see Frieza observing the operation.

"Hey, "your highness". You have some explaining to do." You walked over and Frieza glanced over, regarding you with slight interest.

"About time, I was worried you wouldn't show." Frieza ignored your annoyed attitude as his eyes fell on your Tupperware. "What is that?"

"For your men, since it seems they're doing all the work." You waved over to the Ginyu Force and earned a couple of waves with shouts back. You looked back to Frieza and narrowed your eyes, pointing to the hickey on your neck. "Care to explain this?"

"Hm." Frieza examined the hickey, before nodding. "You're right, I should apologize."

"Good, I-"

"What was I thinking, only giving you one hickey?" Frieza reached up and traced his finger over the bruise, before brushing the pad of his thumb along your collarbone. "I apologize, I am inexperienced with giving someone else such pleasure. Perhaps I could make it up later..."

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