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Before the three of you (actually two, since you were inhabiting Nappa's body) could land, the sound of laughter reached you. When you landed, you were surprised to find the entirety of the Ginyu Force. But just to throw you off more, Ginyu was laughing and it did not sound like the Ginyu that you grew up with. Just like Frieza, his voice had changed a bit from your expectations.

"Captain Ginyu, you have been brought to life at the perfect moment. Come now, you work for me." Frieza smirked as he stepped forward.

"Fool, I will destroy anyone who gets in my way!" Ginyu shouted, getting into a fighting stance. The rest of the Ginyu Force backs up to allow their leader to fight.

"What in the hell?! Did Ginyu really just ignore Frieza's commands? Does he have a death wish already?!" Nappa was astonished.

"Forgetting to pose and then forgetting who you work for? This is a problem indeed." Frieza hissed, his eyes narrowing. "I guess I'll have to remind you who gives and who follows the orders around here. Human, teach them not to defy my word, again!"

"So much for YOU to remind them." You mumbled, stepping forward. Nappa had barely gotten a scratch in the last battle. He could handle another one. Ginyu launched forward, checking you and then punching you in the gut. You slid back grunting in pain, before jumping up and sending a couple of ki blasts back at Ginyu.

"Is that really it? Typical for a low-class soldier!" Ginyua cackled, motioning one of his teammates forward.

"What'd he call me?!" Nappa was enraged, but you didn't have time to answer as Recoome stepped forward and launched a giant ray of ki from his mouth. It grazed you causing you to hiss, as you became more defensive.

"Any tips, Nappa?" You asked as you were considering taking cover.

"Give them a Blazing Storm. If we're hitting them, we're hitting them hard." Nappa growled and a distant memory of one of Nappa's attacks appeared in your mind. As Ginyu approached menacingly, you rose up your hand and roared deep and loud as you could muster. The ground below Ginyu blew up with a blazing light, sending him reeling backward toward his team.

"Heh, now that's the fight I'm looking for!" Ginyu shouted, motioning again to one of his teammates. Burter flew into action, slamming into your side, but you didn't mind him as you ran toward Ginyu. At the last moment, you threw out your leg, kicking the Force's leader straight in the stomach. Ginyu collapsed back, much to the surprise of his teammates. Ginyu groaned and looked at Frieza, his eyes widening in surprise. "Lord Frieza!"

"Oh, so now the formalities return?" Frieza rose a brow, looking bored.

"I apologize, Lord Frieza! We were being controlled, but we promise to never let it happen, again!" Ginyu quickly got into a kneeling position, bowing his head. The rest of his team followed suit.

"I don't care for excuses, you still disobeyed me. But I'm feeling generous and I am in need of good fighters." Frieza added at the end, causing the growing tension and fear you could feel from the five aliens to disperse.

"Lord Frieza, you really mean that?" Ginyu raised his head.

"Of course, but I expect you to serve me until your dying breath."

"Thank you for your mercy, Lord Frieza! You have our word and we promise to not let you down!" Ginyu exclaimed, rising to his feet with the rest of his force. The captain looked to the rest of his team, and his energetic mentality returned. "We have been given a chance to return to Lord Frieza's army! Let us express our joy and gratitude in the form of dance!"

"Oh man, I want to see this." You began to grin, seeing how excited the force was to do a simple dance for Frieza.

"You don't have to." Frieza quickly cut in, seeming slightly embarrassed, which only caused your grin to grow.

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