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You heard the sound of feet hitting the ground and assumed that everyone was coming in for a landing. Maybe that meant that Goku found his friend. You heard the familiar metallic creak of Cell's feet nearby along with Frieza's armored feet hitting the ground.

"That's the one they call "Tien", correct? I've seen him before... Right, he was one of the pathetic fighters who faced my army." Frieza hummed.

"Wait, Tien!? He fought against you? Nice." You voiced your approval.

"So? What about him?" Cell asked.

"Him joining has no effect on our efforts. His power is far too low. He took a real beating when Ginyu swapped bodies with Tagoma. Guess we can't be too picky." Frieza sighed lightly, not seeming too excited. "Shall we get this over with?"

"Let's take Cell for a spin then." You suggested, before linking to the bio-android. Cell chuckled lowly, as you swapped places and you eyed down the clones. There was a clone Tien, Cell, and Frieza. Easy enough.

"Don't disappoint me, human." Cell taunted as you moved forward. You swung your fist forward, slamming it into the clone's face. The clone spun around and swung his leg up, nailing you in the chin. You stepped back, retaining your footing before launching forward sending a kick into the clone's chest. You finished with a direct punch to the clone's head, causing him to disintegrate.

"Alright, one down and two to go!" You laughed, as the Cell clone stepped forward. "How does it feel to be fighting yourself?"

"Is that who I'm fighting now? I suppose it's not any different than when I fight the others, considering I'm made up of genetics from the others." Cell announced, and you did recall that detail. It was still weird to think he was part human, Saiyan, frost demon, etc. You swung forward, kicking the clone and sending him back a bit. The Cell clone drew back his hands and briefly charged some ki, before sending a Kamehameha your way. It rammed into you, but you were as pumped as ever and the attack didn't even land a scratch.

"You'll have to try harder than that." Sheesh, you were beginning to sound like the villains with all the time you were spending with them. It doesn't help that when you are in control of their bodies, you have their voice but seems accurate. You burst forward and sent out a series of punches and kicks, before slamming the clone into the ground with a strong swing of your fist. The clone collapsed, turning to dust.

"Perfect, one left before we can save that scum and move on." Cell chuckled to himself, as the Frieza clone approached. "Finish him with a Hell Strike, might as well end with a light show."

"But we're not even that charged up with ki." You pointed out, dodging a swing of Frieza's tail.

"I'm perfect. When I want to rain hell, I will rain hell." Cell growled though you heard the confidence in his words. You searched through Cell's memory of Hell Strike, before focusing on what energy you have. A light flashed around you before you found yourself behind the clone. With no time to lose, you sent a strike of ki through the clone, cutting him in half. He fragmented into the dirt, his remains getting blown away in the wind. "What did I tell you?"

"You have some secrets up your sleeve, huh?"

"Every villain does, human. Now, let's see about that triclops." You looked over to the collapsed figure as Cell spoke. You frowned. Tien was awesome, but you wish you had met him under better circumstances. You stepped over with Goku and Krillin, as Chiaotzu looked over in surprise.


"Whoa, wait! You're a girl!" Bulma exclaimed, her eyes wide as she witnessed Cell rip you out of Frieza. You growled lowly at the term "girl" and scratched the back of your head correcting Bulma on your preferred pronouns.

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