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Frieza didn't focus too much on the time that had passed, but things had changed from the point where this all started and where he was now. Right now, he was flying to his enemy's home with the last dragon ball in his hands. At the start, if someone had told Frieza he would be working with Son Goku to gather all the dragon balls to save a human being, he would've blasted them into oblivion. But here he was, doing just that.

During his search with his Force, small things had begun to pop up. The first was Cell's swift death the day they were released from their power seals. Frieza wasn't there to observe it, but he heard that Cell had gone down with a bang. He could imagine the bio-android back in hell, again, waiting for everyone else's return. Frieza hated the bug man with all he had, but the mutual hate made him a formidable ally.

At the beginning of the group of alien's stay on Earth, they resided in the Briefs' home. Bulma wasn't too excited, but she had insisted that "It would be best to have two super Saiyans and a swarm of swat bots keeping an eye on the evil group." Frieza didn't appreciate the comment, but where else could they go? Turns out, they found another place to go.

One of the first things that was brought up was designing a ship to leave back to Frieza's main hub of his empire. But making a ship would require money, which would require a job and work. So, while Frieza, Ginyu, and Guldo went out to find the dragon balls, the other members of the Ginyu Force and Nappa found jobs. With help from Yamcha. Jeice and Burter joined the Taitans as their pitcher and center fielder respectively, Recoome became a part-time dancer, and Nappa surprisingly took off in the movie industry as a producer and media mogul.

In no time, the Frieza Force had garnered enough money to craft and perfect a ship of their design, ready to blast off when they were ready to leave Earth. With the leftover money, they rented out a large cabin in the mountains to stay away from peeking eyes while son Goku with Piccolo could keep an eye on them.

During all of this, they gathered the dragon balls one by one after they had been fully restored.

The first found was the two-star ball, which was found by the young trio known as the Pilaf Gang. Though Frieza felt something off about them.

Next, the four-star dragon ball was found in a cave, tucked away on a snowy mountain, and found by the Namekian.

Next was the seven-star, which was found on a farm by a family of farmers. Ginyu had stolen it away while the family was gone.

The three-star ball was found tucked away in the canyons and was found by Goku who had stumbled upon it during a fly home.

Next, the five-star ball was found buried on the beach and was dug up by Guldo, having proudly presented it to Frieza.

Next was the one-star ball which had been found by Bulma who had used her tracker to locate its precise position.

Finally, Frieza had found the final dragon ball, the six-star ball. After a week of no luck at finding it, the frost demon had returned to the lab room where this had all started. While snooping around and grimacing at the area where he found machines that created clones, he noticed the familiar orange glow. It was coming from a drawer on a desk and he broke the lock, sliding open the drawer to reveal the dragon ball. Below it was a small letter.

"Forgive her. - 16"

Frieza frowned at the familiar number. A note left by that android it would seem. Frieza certainly wouldn't forgive him for hiding away this dragon ball for so long. And that's where he found himself now, bursting through the air to the Son's home where the other dragon balls were being kept. Frieza landed at the front door of the dome home and opened it, stepping inside.

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