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You heard a round of gasps as you opened your eyes, again, to find yourself back in the world of the Kais. You stood in front of Frieza, who seemed the most surprised by the change of events. 

"Do you all get it now? With mastered instant transmission, I can go home or visit you guys as much as I want to. All I need is an energy signal." You explained and large smiles broke out on most of the faces of your friends.

"But why?" Goku asked, not connecting the pieces. "It's real dangerous here and don't you have a life at home?"

"I do have a life there and I do plan on continuing it, but you're my friends and I don't want to forget any of you, again." Your gaze fell back to Frieza and you continued slyly. "Besides, if I remember correctly, I was offered a position in an army here."

There was a chorus of exclamations and you looked over to the Ginyu Force who all held an excited expression.

"Lord Frieza! Did you offer...?" Ginyu asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. The frost demon exhaled and looked at you, a warning tone coming to his voice.

"Working for my army is no small feat. You will need to be loyal at all times, flexible when problems arise, and cunning when it comes to planning things. It's also a life-long duty and I do not tolerate shirking." Frieza warned and you had a feeling he was trying to sway you from working with him, but you were having none of that.

"Challenge accepted." Your smile only grew. Frieza seemed to regard you for a moment before his shoulders relaxed and a smirk came to his face.

"If you're so sure, then Kneel before me," Frieza ordered, gesturing for you to kneel with his finger. You shot a slightly amused expression to the frost demon before you knelt in front of him and bowed your head. "Human known as ________, hailing from another planet of Earth... in another dimension, I hereby assign you to the position of the Emperor's Aide. In this position, you are expected to be at my side at all times and to serve only me. And unless there is a reason for me to tarnish this agreement, you will serve me until your dying breath."

"I understand Lord Frieza." You bowed your head lower, before feeling a quick strike on each of your shoulders. It's a better initiation than some of the others you have heard of. Frieza's tail came around and gently raised your chin, You hummed feeling the warm scales against your skin. You looked up at the frost demon, who looked pleased at your decisions before his tail snaked away and he looked to the others.

"You better start preparing, monkeys. I might be absent for a while, but this is not the last you will see of me." Frieza laughed, his tail curling at his feet.

"We'll be waiting, Frieza, and we'll be stronger, too." Goku smiled with an air of confidence. "Alright, everyone! Let's head home!"

"I don't suppose you would mind taking me back? I've touched that Saiyan enough as it is." Frieza folded his arms and looked to you, as you rose to your feet.

"Sure thing, that shouldn't be a problem." You smiled, before looking over surprised as the others approached.

"We wanted to give some quick goodbyes, in case you were going home for the rest of the day," Bulma admitted.

"You guys are awesome..." You felt tears rise in your eyes and that wave of nostalgia that had been building swept over you. Stepping over, you embraced Bulma in a bear hug who held you back. "Thanks for all the help, Bulma..."

"No problem! It's what I do." She laughed, releasing you and stepping back.

"________!" Two voices chirped as you were embraced on both sides by a pair of kids. Trunks smiled up at you while Goten pressed his face into your side and you held them back, ruffling their hair.

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