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"I never thought you two would be following my orders one day." Frieza mused to Goku and Vegeta, as you stretched inside of Frieza's void. Might as well prep for the next fight, right?

"You're delusional, Frieza. We didn't come here to be your subordinates!" Vegeta grunted, not pleased with the frost demon.

"Right... I would never accept recruits like you two morons." Frieza shot away, but you couldn't help but sit up.

"Wait... didn't Vegeta work for you before?" You asked.

"Silence, you!" Frieza hissed your way.

"Whatever. I didn't want to do those silly poses anyway." Goku tried to rebuttal and probably be witty, but it wasn't really working.

"What are these weird poses you speak of?"

"Come on, like the Ginyu Force! If we worked for you, we would have to do poses like that... right?" Goku didn't seem too sure of his own accusation.

"Don't look at me..." Frieza huffed. "They choose to do that, they're not my orders."

"So, you don't all do that? I dunno where I got that idea. Wait a moment... Vegeta, didn't you-"

"I never did that!" Vegeta quickly cut off Goku, sounding embarrassed. "I have higher standards than those fools!"

"That's enough of this!" Frieza loudly cleared his throat. "You people are intolerable! I'm only working with you two to get rid of that woman. Please let us put an end to her quickly! The better for all of us if we do!"

"Fine. Human, are you ready?" Vegeta called and you got to your feet in the void. You focused, before linking to Vegeta and then swapping positions with him. You looked to the next set of clones to find Tien, Gohan, and Vegeta. The Tien clone stepped forward and shot a ray toward you, which you dodged by flying upwards. The clone followed, sending out a continuous beam that followed you.

"This one's persistent!" You muttered, as you swiftly moved out of the beam's reach. You moved above the clone and dived down, slamming your foot into its head. The clone crumbled at your power, as the other two clones shot forward. You felt a bit overwhelmed, but felt that rush of power, again. It was much like that time you had gone super saiyan 2 as Goku. "Any suggestions, Vegeta?"

"Hit 'em with a Final Flash." You heard the smirk in the prince's voice and couldn't help your own smug grin coming to your face. You examined the canyon landscape around you, before garnering your set-up. You backed off, facing the two clones as you brought both your hands up to face them. You clawed your hands just like the move was done and ki roared to life in front of you.

"Final Flash!" Electricity arced around your body and you didn't notice the way Vegeta's hair thickened. You didn't realize the transformation into super saiyan 2 at all. You released the Final Flash, which stampeded forward and wiped out both of the remaining clones. You brought your arms down, panting before you swapped positions with Vegeta.

"Are you alright, human? You removed yourself quickly." Vegeta questioned, though he sounded more obligated to ask. You were lying on your back in the void and your muscles were sore. You pushed yourself to sit up and took a deep breath, feeling like you had just run a mile in a minute.

"I'm fine, just... pushed myself... A little too hard I guess."

"Rest for now then. We will need you eventually, but straining yourself won't do any of us good." Vegeta stated before it sounded like he made his way to the others. You nodded while still panting to catch your breath in confirmation, before reaching out to Frieza's void. It was wide open and you easily slipped inside. How long had his void been this open for you?

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