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"Strange, it would seem our newcomer has hidden his ki from us." You heard Frieza announce. You had been following the ki on foot for about thirty minutes, but as Frieza said, the power faded within seconds. At the moment, you were within Ginyu's void, ready to link with whoever was ready to fight next. "Be on the lookout, he might know we're here."

"Any idea who this freak could be?" Nappa asked. "It's not Kakarot, is it?"

"No, that monkey wouldn't hide his power from us. But I do have my suspicions..." Frieza paused, allowing an air of silence. "Besides the current circumstances, we are doing fairly well. We've built a formidable team in under twenty-four hours."

"Not to pry, Lord Frieza. But is there a way to regain our power and to unlink from the human? No offense, earthling, but we would like our powers back at one point." Ginyu spoke up, seeming concerned about the whole situation.

"It's alright, and you can just call me _____." You told him.

"_____, interesting name, must be native to your planet."

"Trust me, I'm disgusted about a human fighting for me. But they're my only way of fighting at the moment." Frieza spat and you knew he was directing his disgust towards you. "But seeing how many dangers we've faced this day, perhaps having a pest rest within us isn't so bad. Though I think I would like more pawns to join us. A stronger force against whoever this woman is."

"Interesting, you're revived as well?" That voice, you definitely recognize it causing you to tense up!

"_____, are you alright?" Ginyu asked. You were very glad to be in the void at the moment, maybe he wouldn't notice you.

"I'm fine, just don't let HIM know that I'm here!" You told Ginyu, and by his silence, you think he was following your request hopefully.

"Who are you and what business do you have with Lord Frieza?!" Nappa growled.

"You may call me Cell and I would be happy to play along with you, puppets." You could hear the smugness in Cell's voice and it gave you goosebumps, Frieza might be more evil, but Cell was definitely more disgusting by your standards, a literal menace to be exact. Frieza would deliver a quick death, but Cell... You didn't want to think about what he did with his play-things.


"Enough, Nappa. You clearly don't know who you're speaking to." Frieza snapped and you heard him take a few steps forward.


"Nappa, listen to Lord Frieza!" Ginyu quickly cut in, shutting down Nappa's retorts.

"Your "pawns" seem like a bunch of half-wit idiots, is this really the famous Frieza Force?" Cell mocked and you heard his own metallic footsteps.

"Watch your mouth around, Lord Frieza ." Ginyu snapped, offended at Cell's bluntness.

"Seriously, Ginyu! Did you not hear my warning to Nappa?! You do not know who you're dealing with! Please allow the grown-ups to talk." Frieza hissed, annoyed at all the back-talking. If you didn't know better, it sounded like Frieza was trying to show some respect to Cell. "Speak, bug-man."

And, there it is.

"You're lucky, punk. Lord Frieza just saved your life." Nappa grunted.

"I seriously doubt that. Now, let's get down to business. You have info and something I want." Cell explained, his tone becoming colder. "You know who revived me and who cut off my power."

"A woman is all we know. She revived us and cut off our powers. There was a robot, Android 16, who created a... well, a link." Frieza left out the part about you and you couldn't be more thankful. He was probably just trying to hog you, but whatever.

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