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Night had fallen and after some consideration, the group of newly resurrected villains decided to rest for the night. You found a luminous cave to rest in and settled down. Cell made you aware of the ten minutes left you had to spare in your physical form. You decided to make sure everyone was settled and make sure everyone was alright with your situation.

Honestly, no one was alright, but it would be polite to check on them.

"Hey, Nappa. Feeling better after the long day?" You asked, stepping over to the larger Saiyan man.

"Nothing too rough, barely got any scratches to show for it. But things can change." Nappa adjusted his armored gloves, before looking to you. "Can't imagine what you're going through. A small, defenseless small-fry dragged straight into the frying pan."

"At least I have some advantage, what with knowing most of you." Your expression softened as you reached out and placed a hand on Nappa's shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened to your planet. You and your people didn't deserve for that to happen."

"Needed to happen though, huh? So, Frieza could finally be taken down." Nappa glanced over at the frost demon who sat beside a pool of water in the middle of the cavern. "I know you don't like him very much but, probably the same as me. But it's best if you listen to him if you get on his bad side and eventually become free..."

"I get the picture." You gave Nappa a grateful look. "Thank you, Nappa. For looking out for me."

"Eh, I'm used to watching out for strong-willed spirits," Nappa smirked at that. "Get some rest, we're counting on you."

"Got it." You sent him a nod and a thumbs up, before stepping over to the Ginyu Force. "Ya'll heading to bed already?"

"We need sleep to beat up our enemies in the morning!" Recoome called and the whole group shouted in agreement. They were positioned to sleep in a circle formation and it made you smile a little.

"I just wanted to say I am honored to be working with the Ginyu Force, I've heard many great things about all of you." You said happily, gaining several grateful looks.

"We're honored for your assistance, _____. We know your physical body will fade soon, but if you would like to rest with us before you do so, you are welcome to join us." Ginyu saluted you and you saluted back.

"I'll think about your offer, Captain. Thank you. Goodnight, you guys!" You left the Force to get some much-needed rest, while you hesitantly walked over to Frieza. He sat quietly at the water's edge, his chest rising and falling from his deep breaths. His eyes were closed and he didn't move at your approach, but you knew he knew you were there. "Frieza-"

"Don't bother, human. My patience has run thin and I wish not to be bothered tonight." Frieza opened his eyes and sent you a menacing glare. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Lord Frieza." You said calmly. You weren't taking Nappa's advice very well (you had forgotten about it the moment you left him unfortunately), but you had been nothing but nice to Frieza and he still treats you like garbage but that didn't get under your skin that easily. You turned on your heel and decided to go speak with the bio-android Cell.

Cell stood against the wall of the cavern, his arms folded and his eyes closed. You remembered he didn't need sleep and it made you glad you would be returned to your spirit form soon. That guy watching you sleep would be too much, unfortunately.

"Hey." You began and Cell opened his eyes, remaining silent. "I wanted to apologize for misjudging you so quickly earlier. I know the stuff you've done and..."

"You have every right to fear me. Understandable." Cell smirked at that. "I would be afraid, too. But you do know quite a lot about us. Why is that?"

"The world I'm from... A lot of people know the stuff you've all done and I mean a lot of people when I say this. I on the other hand remember a little about it years ago but not much. It makes me wonder why I was brought back." You admitted, looking at your shoes. You noticed that your whole body was taking on a transparent effect and you knew soon you would be back to hosting.

Dragon Ball Fighter Z Soul WarriorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon