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You had linked into Cell as he found the last batch of clones in the city. You heard him scoff as he faced them down.

"I should've known one of the last clones would be of myself... Looks like a big disappointment to me. I know it's a clone, but seriously. I expected a little more effort to put into a copy of me. It might look like me, but it's nothing more than a puppet." Cell was insulted, not that the clone cared. "I guess it makes sense. How can anyone create something better than perfect? It's not the clone's fault it can't match up."

"Your humility is astounding, Cell." You added sarcastically. You heard the bio-android chuckle as he continued.

"It seems only fit that the original and more handsome perfect Cell should dispose of the fake one. I assure you I won't leave a cell of you behind." Once Cell finished, you swapped places with him. You looked to the last trio of clones you would fight ever. There was a Krillin, Cell, and Piccolo clone. The clones were unremarkable like the rest and you were glad to finally get over fighting them.

"Let's finish this, Cell!" You called and you heard the bio-android chuckle at your excitement. The Krillin clone jumped forward and you rushed forward, delivering a strong punch to the clone's head. The clone reeled back, before swiping out a foot, bashing your leg, and then hopping to the side. The Krillin clone sent out a large beam of ki, which you side-stepped. You raised a hand and grabbed the clone by the ki, before crushing him with your powers.

"Nice tactic, finish him." Cell darkly stated as you released the clone. The Krillin clone crumpled to the ground and you sent out a ki blast, destroying the clone. You looked over to see both the Cell clone and the Piccolo clone approaching.

"Got any quick-kill moves?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Suddenly memories were pulled into your mind and you could think of one attack that could finish off both of the clones. You charged up your ki until you were swelling with it, before bursting upwards to hover over both of the clones.

"Looks like you both made a mistake!" You shouted as you released the energy. It took form as a dome around you and the clones, as electricity and ki flashed within it, rippling through the clones and turning them to dust. You dropped down, panting, but no worse for wear. Definitely not as bad as earlier today. Suddenly, a heavy ki pressed on your chest, and by the expressions of everyone else, they felt it, too. "She's coming, let's hurry back to the ship and then get out of here!"

No one questioned it and you all rose into the air, blasting off in the direction of the ship. It was parked at the edge of the city and none of you could miss it. You just wished it was a bit closer.

"FRIEZA!" You heard a sharp scream and you flinched, as you glanced back. You saw the familiar pink form of 21 charging behind the rest of you.

"Sheesh, what did you do to piss her off?!" Goku called over to Frieza.

"Oh, where do I begin..." Frieza glanced back at 21, too, frowning. "She's far too close. By the time we land, get in the ship, and gather the others to teleport, she'll be right on top of us."

"We need to slow her down..." You mumbled, before bringing a hand to your chest. "Could we do another attack?"

"Yes, but we wouldn't be able to fly... Why?" Cell asked, suspiciously.

"I have an idea." You looked over to the young Super-Saiyan. "Gotenks, think you can perform a pretty strong attack?"

"Depends, Which one?" Two voices resonated back, as the Saiyan grinned at you.

"How about... Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack?"

"Let's do it!" Gotenks whooped, as you gave control back to Cell and linked over to the Super Saiyan 3 kid. You swapped positions and turned to fly backward, facing 21. Deciding to let the others get some ground, you stopped in midair to perform your attack.

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