- Sixteen -

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As Drake successfully pulled an unconscious Ohm out of the house, Thomas came running to him.

"I can't find him." He said.

Drake looked at him wide eyed while very carefully placing Ohm in a car. "You lost Nanon?"

"There was smoke inside and after that I am not sure what happened but someone pushed me down the stairs and I lost the grip on his hand and now he is gone." Thomas said.

"Mathew, take Ohm back to his condo which is now repaired. Thomas you go along. I will go back in with others." Drake said.

They both nodded and drove off while Drake took out his gun, wore his protection glasses and his bulletproof vest, and got into an alert position and walked in the house which was now filled with tear gas and the gun shots. From the side he saw guards pulling out Narong, Phensri and Kait along with a few other servants.

Korn and Anuyan along with Ploy were already nearing their car.

It was still unknown as to who attacked when Drake's eyes landed on a familiar profile. Even with the mask and cap, he knew who he was.

Drake carefully walked while hiding in the lines of smoke towards the figure he had recognized. But as he reached near, a gun was pointed straight to his head and he looked into the eyes of the Epsilon.

"So you found me?" He smirked removing the mask.

Drake fearlessly walked ahead till the gun touched his forehead and the epsilon was surrounded by guns from behind when Drake's men all countered him.

Nani smirked and removed the gun making everyone remove their guns loosely but Drake kept it pointed regardless.

The firing slowly reduced in the background.

"Where is Nanon?" Drake asked.

"Nanon? Who? I came here to protect my father when I heard someone attacked the house." He said shrugging.

"The reason why you can never be equal to the delta? You are a coward." Drake grinned. But then pressed the gun to his head. "Where is Nanon?"

"You are pointing the gun at the epsilon." Nani tapped his finger at Drake's gun.

Drake sneered without budging. "The next heir's Right-Hand Man is only answerable to the Alpha. And you have no right to NOT answer me right now."

Nani gritted his teeth and lost his cool for a moment before he quickly composed himself. "I am sorry Sir. Is that what I should say?"

"WHERE.IS.NANON?" Drake asked gritting his teeth.

Nani chuckled and held Drake's gun pushing it aside and walking closer to him making all the other men surrounding him to point their guns back. "NANON IS GONE!" He replied.


"I CANNOT ALLOW THAT!" Fourth's mother yelled at him in the kitchen. Gemini who was listening to the conversation from outside smirked and leaned on the back of the door.

"But Mom..." Fourth tried to counter.

"NO! I said NO." She said and Gemini heard footsteps approaching the door. He straightened up and as soon as Fourth's mother walked out she saw him and paused.

Fourth followed her out and saw Gemini and his mom looking at each other. "What are you doing here?" he asked Gemini.

"I am here to talk to ma'am." He said looking at his mother who got extremely nervous looking at Gemini.

Billionaire's Prostitute - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now