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"Dew! DEW!" I called out my brother but couldn't find him anywhere. He was not at home, not in the alley and not even at the book store.

I am having bad feeling about this. In fact, I had bad feelings about it since the time he started going into that street.

That street is known for the people who work for that oil refinery. But I don't think that's the only case. Because rumors say that, the street is famous for all the illegal businesses. The owner of the oil refinery is said to be a mafia.

But where else can my brother be?

I have been coming here and searching for him for so many days now.

But every time I enter this lane, my heartbeat increases due to fear. All I want is to find my brother and drag him out of here. But the person I always meet here is...

"I see you missed me again?" The tall buff guy said grinning at me.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him continuing to walk.

"Are you ignoring me again?" He started walking beside me.

From my brother's diary, I read about Grand Sir Narong's elder grandson whom he referred to as master.

Does that mean my brother was working with them before he disappeared?

"Not fair. I gave you water, had a meal with you, and even saved you from guns." He kept blabbering. "Still you are ignoring me?"

I stopped and turned to him annoyed. "If I buy you a meal will it even up everything?"

He thought for a moment before grinning. "I guess so." He winked at me making me flinch.

"Then let's go." I held his arm and literally pulled him with me. His expression said that he is such a pushover that he was still grinning.

I brought him to the same restaurant where we came last time and shoved the menu in his hand. "Order whatever you want. My treat." I just want to get this over with.

He raised his brows and before I could sit across him, he pulled my hand and made me sit beside him. "Sit here and have a meal with me from same plate, same bowl, same spoon. Maybe then, I will consider it even."

"Don't get on my nerves." I snapped.

He literally giggled. "You are so easily agitated. Relax. I can help you with whatever you are looking for." He said and I rolled my eyes again. "Or... whoever you are looking for." He said the later part very seriously looking in my eyes. His smile all gone for a moment.

When I frowned at him confused he started grinning again.

To think... he has been in this alley for so long. And he doesn't seem to be worried about anything. It's like this is his home. Maybe he will be able to help me find Dew.

When I did not respond, he started reading the menu. "Do you like spicy food?" He asked.

I exhaled and pulled him to look at me to the side from his shoulder. "I'll share my meals with you for as long as I come here. That is if... you help me find someone."

He gaped at me. His face was confused for once but then he snickered. "You sure do a cheap bargain." He turned to wave at the waiter and enthusiastically ordered enough food to treat me, him, the waiter, the owner, the people on the side table and the street dog lingering outside.

"Anything else?" I looked at the waiter with disbelief when he asked so.

But this guy still ordered a beer on top of everything.

Billionaire's Prostitute - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now