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A/N: I wrote the first 18 chapters of this in september-october 2023 and now in march 2024 I'm coming back to finish it so please disregard any mistakes in those chapters especially how I spelled Fermin as Fermine... I just don't feel like hunting through and changing it!

I hate plane rides. They're so uncomfortable. Luckily, this was a fairly short flight. I was listening to music half awake when the pilot came on the speaker to announce turbulence which woke me up fully.

At that point I had no chance of sleep, so I just turned on a movie. I hated how quiet it was. It was fairly late, so most people were either sleeping, or like me, watching a movie. I couldn't really focus, though, because I was so excited, nervous, happy, sad, and every emotion imaginable.

I was old enough to move anywhere in the world, but I was lucky enough to have a rich and famous uncle in one of the most beautiful cities. I knew I wouldn't miss home, because I was dying to move anywhere else, but I was definitely going to miss my cat.

Finally, it was time to get off the plane. I couldn't wait to stretch my legs. I gathered the things around me, and then got off right when I was allowed. Once I was off, I went out to find my uncle. He was standing in a small crowd of a few others.

"It's so good to see you!" He said as he hugged me.

"I know, we missed you on Easter," I said.

"Excited to be here?" He asked.

"Of course," I replied. It was a stupid question, but I was trying to be nice. Once we were done with our quick catch up, we went to get my bags. After that, we went out to his car, and then he drove home.

As he was driving through the city I was amazed. The biggest city I had ever been in was Warsaw. I couldn't believe it was my new home for the year.

So this is Barcelona.

A/N: We love the reused line and the fact that all my stories begin in airports.

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