Part 22

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Ame's POV

I was pacing around in the kitchen, something felt wrong, but I wasn't sure what, my mark ached which made me think of Nate, maybe something happened. I decided I was going to find out for myself, find someone in the pack who could answer for me. As I walk to the front door it swings open, standing there with wide eyes was Willow and I looked at her concerned.

"What happened?" I asked her worried, she walks straight to me and wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"I am so sorry" she whispers, at her words my heart sinks and I pull back looking at her concerned.

"Nate?" I ask softly, feeling my voice hitch.

"No" Willow says softly, I look at her confused, if it wasn't Nate then what was it.

"The hunter we caught, told us what they did to you, what he did to you" she says softly, and my body stiffens, no, this cant be. I take a step back.

"Ame" I hear Zel's voice, and I look at her, seeing the sorrow in her eyes and I take another step back. Zel walks towards me, and I put my hand up.

"Stop" I demand, and the girls look up at me concerned.

"Nate?' I question, Willow nods her head.

"He knows" Willow answers and I felt my heart sink, how could he ever look at me the same. Would he still want me? I told him I was broken but I bet he didn't think I was this broken. Zel takes a step closer to me, I shake my head at them.

"No" I demand again before I walk past them and out of Nate's cabin. As I open the door, I see Jas and Alex walking towards me. I walk straight pass them not saying anything.

"Ame, wait" I hear Alex's voice and I turn to face the girls who were all standing in front of me.

"No, please don't. I cant. Just... leave me alone" I demand the last word causing my magic to send out a wave of energy before I turn around and run away from the cabin, away from them.

I didn't know where I was going but I know I needed to get away from the girls, the way they looked at me, feeling sorry for me. I didn't want them to look at me that way. I slowed down as I got further away from Nate's cabin, I look up as I hear some noise coming from a distance, slowly I make my way towards the sound, curious of what it was. As I got closer, I see a young girl running towards me, crying, she looked sweaty, wearing workout clothes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, she looks up at me startled.

"I am sorry, Luna" she says and nods her head at me.

"Oh please, no need to avoid eye contact" I say, and step close to her, the girl only looked about fifteen, and she looked small and weak, her wolf hasn't come forward yet.

"What's your name?" I ask and she looks at me with a small smile.

"Bec" she answered, and I step closer to her.

"Bec, tell me what happened" I ask again. I watch as the girl wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I hate training, they all pick on me because I haven't shifted yet and I am too weak, and they keep beating me" she admits, and I can't help but smile.

"Oh, I remember training, I hated it at first, but then I loved it. Show me" I offer, and she looks at me curiously.

"I.." she starts before I interrupt.

"I only want to help. I have some training with going against others with an advantage" I offer, and she nods her head, turning around she makes her way to the training ground, with me following beside her. I smile as the large training grounds came into view. The training area itself was a large, grassed area, it looked like a football field with seating around the outside. I saw a group of teenagers standing in front of a large male, he was wearing a pair of shorts with a t-shirt and some runners. His hair was short and wet, from his sweat. He turned around to look at us, his eyes on Bec and then on mine.

"Luna" he greets as he turns to face us.

"Ryan" I say and walk closer, I had only met Ryan a few times. He was a stand off guy, wasn't too talkative but he was Nate's muscle, the trainer of the pack. He looked after all the young from the age of ten, training them so that they were ready once they shifted for the first time, training them until he told them they were ready to take their place in the pack.

"Bec, against Phil" he said, she looks over at me, I nod my head at her, she looks back at her pack members and walks back into the training area. I walk closer, standing on the edge as I watch them.

"Bec, I want you to use all your strength, give him everything you have. Phil, I don't want you holding back, she needs to learn" Ryan explains, and I let out an annoyed sigh which caused Ryan to look over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Something the matter?" He asked, smiling I nod my head.

"Well yes" I answered, and he looks at me amused.

"Do share" he says which makes me smile even more, I walk into the training ground, walking towards Ryan.

"You want Bec to use all of her strength, she doesn't have the strength" I start and hear some of the others laugh, turning I glare at them.

"That isn't a bad thing, it's not always about strength" I say and get annoyed when I hear Ryan laugh.

"If you don't have strength, you will lose" he says which only causes me to roll my eyes.

"Let's put that to the test then" I say, Ryan looks at me amused, stepping closer to me he raises an eyebrow, he glances over to the side, I follow his gaze and see Nate standing there, his arms folded across his bare chest, his eyes on mine, he looks at Ryan and nods his head. I look at Ryan and watch as he smiles. 

Claiming the Healerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें