Part 14

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We walk into a little café that was in the shopping center, sitting down in the back corner, I pick up the menu and look at what they had to offer, not really sure what I felt like. I was hungry, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to eat much.

"I might just have some fries" I admit, Nate looks up at me and frowns.

"You really should try eating more" Nate says protectively. I roll my eyes at him, his eyes flashing at my response.

"I am trying Nate. It's not something I can help" I explain and put the menu down.

"I need to use the restroom" I say before I get up and walk towards the lady's room. I knew Nate could hear my heartrate, know that I wasn't actually going to the toilet, but I had to step away from him. The longer I was around him the harder it was to keep my distance.

Nate's POV

I watched as Ame got up and walked to the restroom, her heart was racing, I could hear it, it was the only thing I could hear, no matter how hard I tried not to. I didn't know what to do, my wolf was begging to come out, he wanted to mark his mate, he wanted to run free in the woods. I needed to let him out.

'I do not know what to do' I mind link with Blake and Morgan, I knew they could help. Their mates were not wolves, at least with Jax, his mate was a wolf, she understood the connection.

'About?' I hear Blake voice.

'Ame knows, she worked it out this morning. But she is trying to avoid it. I do not know what to do' I link back, feeling defeated.

'Oh wow, took her long enough' I hear Morgan and he laughs.

'The only thing you can do is give her time. Jas was the same, and she didn't even know about supernatural's, she had a lot to adjust to' I hear Blake's voice.

'Zel was the same, they do not understand it on the same level as us. It isn't as intense for them; they do not have their wolf inside them trying to take over every minute' Morgan adds.

'I know it's hard, but you just have to try and keep in control around her. Let your wolf out for a run, he could do with a good run with all the uncertainty,' said Blake.

'Has she said she doesn't want to be mated?' Morgan asked.

'She thinks that by staying she is putting the entire pack at risk. She does not believe that the hunters will stop looking for her' I explain. I didn't want to tell them that she believes she is broken; they didn't need to know everything.

'She does know that you would protect her with your life, that we would protect her. She is our Luna too?' Blake says.

'That's the reason. Knowing we would put ourselves at risk to protect her' I explain.

'Just let your wolf have his way and mark her' Morgan says with a little chuckle.

'I cannot mark her without her permission' I add.

'I know' Morgans says. I look up as I see Ame walking back towards me, a bottle of water and two glasses in hand.

'Got to go, talk later' I sent to both.

"Everything ok?" I ask as she sits down, she nods her head. Pouring us two glasses of water. Putting the bottle down before she takes a sip of her drink.

Amethyst's POV

I take a sip of my water, looking at him curiously, wondering what it felt like for him.

"What does it feel like for you?" I ask him, he takes a sip of his water, thinking for a few moments.

"Let me order our food, then I will tell you" Nate says, and I nod my head. Watching as Nate gets up and walks towards the counter. I sit there staring at my water. I look up as I heard Nate sit back down.

"Penny for your thought?" Nate says with a smile.

"I do not think I was even thinking about anything" I admit, and he nods his head.

"So?" I ask him curiously.

"It feels much the same for me. Just a lot more intense. My wolf is inside me, constantly scratching at my brain, trying to come forward. For him, you are his mate, he wants what is his and until he marks you, he will just keep trying. He will keep fighting me until he marks you. You belong to him; he doesn't care what you want. You are his. I have to fight him to keep in control, I have to fight against him to stop him from marking you. I have to fight against myself from marking you. I am fighting him and myself constantly. I cannot think when you are around when I can smell you. I lose control, we will have you on this table, making you scream our name while we mark you" Nate explains, his gaze on me, feeling the intensity of our bond. The thought of him making me scream his name, him between my legs, his mark on my flesh makes my core ache with need, feeling the heat between my legs, Nate takes a deep breath and his eyes flash.

"We can smell your arousal and it drives both of us fucking crazy, which makes it a lot hard to keep in control" Nate adds, his body tense.

"That sounds very intense" I admit, and he smirks.

"Very" he adds.

I was back at Nate's cabin, getting ready to shower for the full moon bon fire tonight. Lunch was intense, hearing how he felt our bond was intense. He was fighting a losing battle. Once we got back here Nate had taken everything down to the pack area before he took off, telling me he needed to let his wolf out. I walk into the bathroom and shut the door, turning on the shower. I strip down before I step under the hot water, enjoying the feel of the water running over my body. I drop to the ground, cradling my legs, resting my head on my knees as I tried to just let go of everything. I was so exhausted, from captivity, from running, from fighting my bond with Nate. Everything was so overwhelming, I just wanted to scream. Having the urge, I stand up. Turning off the shower I grab the towel and wrap it around me, not bothering to dry myself. I walk out of the bathroom, through the main living room and out to the balcony. Almost running down the stairs, I could feel my magic building inside me, begging to come out. I run along the small dirt track, moving deeper into the forest, I didn't want to be too close to anyone, I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just needed to let go of everything. I stop as I come to a small clearing, I drop the towel to the ground, taking a deep breath I let out the loudest scream I could muster, feeling my energy pulsating from me. I continued to scream, having no intention of stopping until I needed to take a breath, I could see my purple magic radiating from me, my scream echoing through the trees, causing them to tremble. I dropped to my knees, my scream still on my lips, feeling the release I stop. Panting as I try to catch my breath. Hands and knees on the ground as I take deep breaths. I felt better, God I felt the release, I felt everything just leave my body. All the fear, all the pain, all the frustration.

"Amethyst" I hear someone yelling my name, I slowly stand up, feeling a little lightheaded, I look around, seeing someone make their way to me, Nate. I could sense him anywhere; my magic could sense him. That was new. I wasn't able to sense him with my magic before, not without touching him. Nate gets closer, he was completely naked, my eyes roamed over his body, and I felt my magic in my fingers, shooting out and towards him, not in a threatening way, dancing around him. I look into his eyes, seeing his eyes flashing and I realized I was also naked. I pick up my towel and wrap it around me.

"What happened?" he asked concerned, walking closer to me. I felt a little embarrassed, I should have known I would have been heard and felt.

"I just needed to scream, everything was built up inside me, I couldn't control it. I had to let it out" I admit to him. I feel his arms wrap around me, feeling the heat from his body.

"You scared me, I thought someone was hurting you" I could hear the fear in his voice. I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle into his chest.

"I highly doubt anyone could step foot in your territory without you knowing" I say with a little laugh, Nate laughs with me.

"True, but still. I was scared" he admits. I pull back and look into his eyes, smiling at him, he smiles back.

"Let's go back, everyone is starting to arrive at the bonfire" Nate says and pulls away from me, I grab my towel with one hand as Nate grabs my other hand. Walking back up towards the house.

"I think I need to shower again" I say with a laugh, Nate laughs with me.

"I need to shower too. Meet out here when we are ready" he says and kisses my head before he walks off into his room. I walk back into the bathroom, needing to clean myself again.

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