Part 3

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My jaw dropped as I saw the cabin inside, I was expecting it to be like the outside, that old wooden cabin look, but inside, it was like a mansion. The ceiling was high, the lights making the room look bright even in the dark night. In front of me there was a sunken area, which had three large couches and a large tv in front. I walked closer and off to the right was a large kitchen, with marble countertops. To the right of the kitchen was another large room, the dining room, though I suspect it was not used as often. Towards the left of the sunken tv room was a glass wall, overseeing the forest, which was beautiful, a balcony coming from the glass wall.
"not what you expected?" I heard his voice and I turned towards him and shook my head.

"I promised Alex, I would let you rest and wait until the morning to ask you questions" he said softly though his voice was still deep.

"But I do have to ask, are you a threat to my pack?" he asked with his arms folded across his chest. I shook my head at his question.

"No, I am not a threat, but the people I escaped, they were hunters" I said softly, I couldn't lie to him. I watched as his body tensed at the word.
"They captured you because of your abilities?" he asked.
"Yes, they did, and I promise I will tell you everything, but can I please shower first? It has been a while" I said softly feeling embarrassed. Nate nodded his head.

"This way" he said and walked towards a doorway that was behind us.

"I got Grams to stock some clothes for you" he says. Following him through the doorway and to the right was a bedroom, it was small but had a queen size bed with a large window to the left with a small balcony.

"You can stay here, there are some clothes in the closet" he says.
I open the closet and there were some clothes there. Grabbing a singlet and a pair of sweatpants I turn to look at him and he walks out of the room and down the hallway, standing beside an open door.

"that's the bathroom and behind me on the left is the toilet" he says as he watches me carefully, I could tell he had lots of questions. I walk into the bathroom and go to shut the door.

"There will be food waiting for you when you get out, anything you do not eat?" he asked, I shook my head.

"I haven't eaten in a few days, so I will eat anything you have" I answered. I saw his body tense once again and he walked away. I shut the door and investigate the large bathroom, the shower looked amazing, the large shower head, I may just fall asleep in there.

I opened the bathroom door once I was dressed, feeling more human as I was now clean, though I hope I did not use all his hot water. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw a laundry basket by the door, which was not there before, placing my dirty clothes in there my body tensed as I heard a female's voice.
"I got her some more clothes, Blake said she was about my size" she says softly.

I walk into the main room and saw a beautiful blonde girl standing opposite Nate and jealousy run through my body and I frowned at the emotion. Looking up I saw Nate looking straight at me and then the girl turned to look at me with a smile.

"You must be Amethyst, I'm Jasmine" she says as she walks towards me with a smile.

"I got you some more clothes and I got you some food, Nate doesn't really cook" she says with a chuckle.
"Thank you" I say softy, she reached her hand towards mine and I placed my hand in hers to shake, I couldn't help but search her body, this girl was human, so she was most likely a wolf's mate. Was she Nate's mate?
"Babe what else is there for me to bring in?" another male asked as he walked in the door holding a box full of things. I looked over at the male, he was handsome, though that was normal for wolves.
"No that's it for now" Jasmine says to the male.
"This is Blake, he is my second and this is his mate Jasmine" Nate explains to me, and I nod.
"I am..." Jasmine starts.
"human" I finish off and she looks at me along with the others.
"How did you know?" Nate asked. I did not want to lie.

"When I touch someone, I can search their body, search their DNA. That is how I knew Jasmine was human, and how I knew Lily was a wolf, though her wolf gene has not activated yet because of her age, it still lays dormant in her DNA which is still detectable" I explain with a smile.

Nate grabs a large bowl of food and hands it to me.

"Eat please" he says and gestures for me to sit down on the couch. Walking into the sunken area I sit down on the couch and the others follow, Nate sitting next to me as Blake and Jasmine sit on one of the other couches together.
"How long were you held captive" Jasmine asked with concern in her voice. I took a deep breath, I could not tell them everything, but I will tell them some of my story.
"About ten years, I only escaped about a month ago" I say softly and can sense Nate was uncomfortable with my answer.
"How did they capture you?" Blake asked.
"My parents, they were the Alpha and Luna of our pack."
"But you aren't a wolf?" Blake interrupted.
"I was adopted when I was four. Mum was a human; she visited the local orphanage every day and read to us kids. One day we were playing outside, and she saw me use my gift, she left and ten minutes later she was there with my dad and my brother. They took me home and from that day on I was their daughter. I was raised as part of the pack, I trained with them every day. I wasn't allowed to do perimeter runs but I trained with them, dad made sure I could do combat against other wolves. One night at a pack member's mating ceremony the hunters attacked, took everyone out. I was taken captive when the wolf poison would not work on me. I was only sixteen and I watched my entire family being murdered in front of me and there was nothing I could do. I was taken away and that was the last of it. I heard rumors that someone got away but that's all I know" I say softly and pick up the fork on my plate and start to eat, feeling a tear run down my cheek as I think about my family and that awful night.
"What are you?" Nate asked me and I shook my head. I felt like I could trust him, but if he found out I was a healer, a species that was extinct. I would never leave here again.

"a witch" I say simply, which wasn't a complete lie, a healer was a type of witch, just a lot more powerful. A long time ago, healers were known as royalty.
"Oh, Zelena is a witch too, you should meet her" Jasmine says with a smile.
"I would love that" I replied with a smile.

We sat there in silence as I ate my dinner, I could feel their eyes on me. I could sense Nate and Blake were communicating telepathically and from Jasmine's body language she knew they were too. It wasn't long after I finished eating that Blake and Jasmine left and it was just Nate and myself. A part of me was relieved but I was confused on how he made me feel.
"I think we should get some sleep; I have the dawn perimeter run in the morning but then I will meet you here and take you down to the pack area for breakfast. If you need anything, my room is just over there" he says with a small smile pointing at a door near the entrance of the cabin, before he disappeared into his room.
I watched as he disappeared, and I got up and made my way to the room I was staying in. getting under the blankets I let out a small sigh as I was in a comfortable bed for the first time in forever. It didn't take long for sleep to take over my body.


I was being pulled into the darkness; my senses completely drowned out. Moving around I hit a wall, moving in the other direction, another wall, feeling around I realized I was trapped. I blink as I see a small orb of light, watching it as it got bigger, got closer, then I see his face, the man who had me trapped for ten years.
"I will find you" his voice was evil, and it sent a shiver through my spine. He steps closer to me, dagger in hand. He places it on my stomach, his hand wrapping around me, and he pulls me in closer to him, the dagger piercing my skin and I scream in pain.

I wake up screaming, sitting up suddenly I look around the room, it was black, and I see a small orb of light, my dream flashing in my mind, and I let out another scream.

"What happened?" I hear Nate's voice, he was looking in the room looking for something, then his eyes land on me. The feeling of safety took over which made tears run down my cheeks. I feel Nate's arms around me, I lean into him, and the tears come harder, crying in his arms. I look over at the digital clock on the bedside table, one in the morning.

"Shhhh it was just a dream" he reassures me. Nate lays us down in my bed, grabbing the blankets he covers us, never letting go of me. I nuzzle into his chest and close my eyes, I wanted to go back to sleep but a part of me was afraid to.

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