Part 18

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It had been a few days since the bonfire, Nate had been sleeping in my bed every night, it was the only way to keep the nightmares away and to get a good night's sleep. It was getting harder to be away from each other, my own pull towards him was becoming harder to ignore, my magic wanting to combine with him. I look over at Nate, he was smiling at me, surrounded by the greenery of the forest amongst us. Nate had taken me for a walk through his territory, wanting me to see everything and knowing I needed to be with nature.

"Just a little further, but now we are out of my territory, so stay close" Nate says as he takes my hand and leads me out of the safety of his territory. Zel and Morgan left the morning after the bonfire, she went to go and visit her family, I was happy for them. Nate stops as we stood in the middle of a meadow. The meadow was beautiful, the green grass covering the ground, colourful flowers amongst the grass, the fresh air against my skin. I turned to look at Nate.

"This is beautiful" I say softly, and I see the smile on his face.

"It really is, it's a good place to come and think, it is close to my land, and hopefully next week the ownership is transferred to me, and this will be a part of my territory. I want to build a cabin here, like a little honeymoon cabin for mates to get away to be alone but still be protected within my land. Its far enough away that our hearing cannot pick it up from the main grounds" Nate explains, and I smile at the thought.

"That sounds amazing, it will be a nice escape" I say thinking about his plans for this place, I would love to be a part of it. I looked over and saw Nate's body stiffen before I heard a loud howl, someone was in pain, I looked over towards the direction and felt the pain in the air. Looking over at Nate I see his eyes glowing, his wolf had taken over his human form.

"Stay close to me" he demands before he starts running towards the sound. I follow behind him. It only took five minutes before we were at the front of the land. There was a crowd of people, Nate pushed his way into the crowd. Following him I pushed my way through the crowd and saw Willow on the ground in her human form, naked. An arrow coming from her chest as she groans in pain. Jax was on the ground with her, tears running down his cheeks.

"Please don't die" I heard him mutter, pain in his voice.

I could save her, I could use my powers to save her, but then everyone would know what I am. Could I trust them? I had to, Willow was my friend, I was her Luna. This was my family. I drop to the ground and place my hands on Willow's cheek.

"This is going to hurt me more than you" I say softly and look up at Jax.

"You have to let go of her, I can't heal her while you are touching her" I say softly and see him look up at Nate before he nods his head and pulls away from her, though he stayed close but kept his hands off her. I placed my hands on the arrow

"This part I can't stop from hurting, but the rest, you will feel nothing ok" I reassure her, and she nods her head. I pull out the arrow and hear her cry out in pain, I placed my hands either side of her wound and look up to see Nate kneeling opposite me watching me, Grams standing behind him with a close eye on me, something tells me she has already figured out what I am. I look back at Willow and I give her a small smile before I start to scan her body, feeling the wound and the poison in her body, it was close to her heart, she had only seconds before she would die. I started to draw the wound towards me, feeling it in my fingers as the veins in my fingers started to turn black. Slowly the black started to travel up my arm, my skin going pale and clammy, the black veins travelling along my shoulder.

"What's happening to her?" I heard the concern in Nate's voice.

I look over at him with a small smile, feeling the black creep along my neck and onto my face. Everything turned black as the blackness took over my eyes.

"She is... healing me" I heard Willow explain, surprised.

"Oh my god" I heard Gram's voice.

As I finished healing Willow, I pulled away from her and slowly the blackness started to disappear, though I knew my skin was still pale and clammy. I groaned in pain, and I pulled away from Willow. On all fours I let out another groan and I could feel my stomach churning with the poison in my body. I felt Nate's hands on me, and I pushed him away.

"No, don't touch me" I groaned out as I knew I looked as gross as I felt.

"What do you need? What can I do?" he asked concerned.

"A bottle of whiskey would be great" I say as I glance at him and hear a few chuckles and he shook his head.

"I'm serious Nate, this is about to get ugly" I say before I felt myself starting to gag, I felt the wound rising in my stomach, burning as it travelled up my throat and I whimpered in pain as it burned. Then I vomited, thick black tar coming up and on the ground in front of me. I vomited a few more times, hearing a few people disgusted in what was coming out of my mouth, I didn't blame them, it was disgusting, but it was what happened when I healed someone.

"here" said Nate as he handed me a bottle of Whiskey. I grabbed the bottle and took a large mouthful, swishing it through my mouth before I spat it out in front of me and took another large mouthful, this time swallowing it. A few more mouthfuls in and I put the bottle down and felt my weak body starting to give way.

"Trust me, it tastes worse than it looks" I say as I could sense everyone's eyes on me "Hence the whiskey, burns the taste from my mouth" I explain. I lay down on the ground curled up in a ball, feeling Nate's strong arms wrap around me and pick me up.

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