Chapter six- Debutdisaster.

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It's the week of the annual debutante, I don't really care about being in the debutante. But the way it happened, was rude and cruel.
I was in class, SAT testing during holiday, yeah I know. My low cut white blouse in my plaid school uniform skirt, and my white thigh length socks in my black knee high- high heeled boots. I whipped my hair, and crossed my legs, and Chuck from across the room stared at me. Watching every move I made, every guy who asked me what page we were on.
And then the bell rung, he stood up. And proposed his duty as my wealthy Boyfriend of almost 6 months, he held my hand and as we made it out of the room he kissed me on the mouth. Hard, so everyone could see how proud he was to have me. So he could rub it in the freshmen, And sophomores faces.
And then, I got the letter in the mail, Chuck picked it.
"Hey, your father dropped this off." He said, while I stepped out of my skirt.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You're gonna be in the debutante ball." He laughed, I stood. "What no..thats Blair's oh god no!" I placed my hands on my head. "She's gonna be so pissed at me." I slipped kicked my boots off and ran to his closet where half of my clothes were anyways. I came out placing a white short sweater dress on with Black tights and 5 inch ankle stapled black heels. I grabbed one of chucks blazers and ran out.
"Where are you going?" He asked as I ran into the elevator, I held my hand on the doors. "To Blair's I have to sort this thing out Chuck." He kissed me. "Love you." I said. "I love you too." He said and the elevator doors closes.

The elevator opens to Blair's checkerboard flooring, and I run up the stairs and walk into her bedroom. She's doing her hair. "A! What are you doing?"
"I need to tell you something." I said.
"What is it?" She asked. "I..someone put me in the debutante ball."
She looked at me. "I know..I did." She smiled. I looked at her. "Why? This meant the world to you, Blair I can't do it." I said. She laughed. "Seeing men auctioning you off will make Chuck squirm, and that's all I want to see him do." She said.
"Blair!" I laughed. She turned around, and smiled.
"What, seeing the one thing Chuck Bass loves the most beside his money, being auctioned off to another man for the entire night, makes me bubbly Inside." She said.
I looked at her. "He's gonna be so pissed off, he just thinks he's going to a dance with me." I said. She nodded. "And when they call you backstage and they announce the auction he wouldn't know what to do..and he won't have a sign." She smiled. I laughed. "So, rude." I laughed she hugged me. "Don't worry, I'll bid on you the highest and when he's finally about to bust, I'll raise the sign and I'll give you to him honey, I'm not that evil." She smiled.
"But you're evil to Chuck." I said. "Just keep this between you and moi." She smiled. I nodded. "Happy new year." I said. "It will be for Chuck Bass." I shook my head.

I got back to the apartment with a dress, which I put in the closet. "So how did things go." He asked on the couch, standing up. I nodded getting a water. "Pretty good, she's actually happy, she's still going." I said. He looked at me. "Really?" He said, I nodded. And I smirked. "what?" he smiled. "Nothing, just you're mine." I said. And he kissed me.

The night of the debutante was fantastic. I wore a blazer with nothing underneath, jeans and nude lace heels. I walked out with the dress in my hand.
"What are you doing, put the dress on." He said, fixing his purple tie. And gray suit.
"I have to change when I get there." I smiled.
We got out of the limo and, Blair was there in a floral dress with a white jacket. She smiled at me and I winked.
Chuck had my hand, and I got called backstage. "Please, let the auction take it's standing take your seats."

Blair's POV

Well it was wonderful seeing Chuck look around dumbfounded as what he came. The auctioneer started, and I leaned forward with him in front of me. "Didn't you know? They auction off the girls to the men who bid the highest, and since you don't have a sign I bet one of these lucky men will have her for the evening." I said. He turned around.
"She isn't cattle you bitch." He said through his teeth. "No, but seeing you squirm is the best feeling in the world." I smiled evilly.
"And now, we have 17 year old Adelaide Lucille Percy- Daam her parents own the biggest law firm in New York, Adelaide is the soon to be valedictorian of her junior class next year, she enjoys watching classic movies, her favorite actor is Sean Connery, she wants to marry a man who has the same charm as James Bond-" she laughed, from behind the curtain. "Adelaide enjoys spending time with her friends Serena Van Der Woodsen, and Blair Waldorf, she got an early admittance to Columbia where she is going to college for Criminal Law." He said. "Here's Adelaide." She came out gorgeous, her long white gown with the straps off her shoulder, low-cut, with a slit running up her thigh down. She stood, and her black heels shown against her long legs. Her hair up in an old up-do, Audrey Hepburn like, with a gold necklace. Her infamous Cartier pinky ring, she walked across that stage and stood in the middle, she looked flawless, while Chuck, shook from anger with the whistles from the men. "The bid starts at fifteen thousand." He said, a flood of signs came up. "Do I hear, twenty?" The auctioneer said. The entire crowd went wild with their signs. "Thirty?" The crowd went wild. Chuck was hiding his face in his hand, when the bid went up to 60. He was red, his eyes about to pour.
I realized something, he actually grew a heart for her. Adelaide the bad girl gone good. Helped Chuck Bass grow a heart.
Without another sign I held up my sign and said.
"Eighty thousand dollars." And the entire crowd groaned.
We walked back to the area to cash, and Chuck stood by me, as Adelaide talked to the other girls. "Addie." The auctioneer said.
She smiled, as I turned around to Chuck, his cheek tensing.
"Well." I said, I grabbed Addie's hand. And held it out to Chuck. "Enjoy your dance Chuck, and party at my place at 9." I smiled. Adelaide was pulled into chucks arms as he placed his face in her hair. He loved her, so much.

Adelaide's POV

We walked as the music started, and Chuck held me close, my head in his shoulder. "Did you know about the auction?" He asked. I nodded. "It was a joke, Blair wanted to see you squirm." I said, he chuckled holding my hand out. Admiring the pinky ring.

"I had an aneurysm from watching all those guys take bids and it made me realized how many guys want you, and how many would do anything to be with you, that I wouldn't take a chance, to do anything to destroy us Addie. I love you. I never said it before to anyone, but you. In that coffee shop it came out, and you responding the same way Made me realize. I do." Chuck said. I nodded. "Hold me." I said.
When we went home, I changed into a sparkly shirt, with jeans and knee high 5 inch heeled boots. I walked with Chuck, and Chuck walked by Blair as squinted his eyes.
"Here we are!" Serena said. I laughed and hugged her waist she held me, and Chuck smirked. "Looks like my sister and my girlfriend are more sisters." He said. Serena kissed the top of my head. "Well, incest does count right?" She laughed. Chuck smiled. "I guess it does, come on Adelaide, let's go say hello to the devil." He said I kissed Serena and I got back in chucks arms around my waist. He growled in my ear.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!" Blair screamed. "10 seconds to 2009!" she said, Chuck and I looked at each other. We raised our champagne glasses.

"10!9!8!7!6!5!4!3!2!1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We said. Chuck leaned me down and kissed me. "Happy new year my queen." He said looked at me.
"Happy new year my king." I said placing my hands on his head, kissing him, again.

Well upper east siders happy new year, or a happy new baby, who will end up being the baker in town with a bun in the oven.
After that little stunt Blair pulled at the debutante ball, seeing such a jealous Chuck Bass in a rage, over hundreds of men betting on his dear Adelaide Percy it makes you realize Chuck's in it for the long haul for this one. Maybe it is the holidays the Grinches heart grew 3 sizes too big. Will it stay like that for long?
Xoxo Gossip Girl

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