Chapter fifteen- Chuck Bass 2.0 What Goes Around, Comes Around

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(Chuck bass' POV)

When there's fire, there's blood.

In each step I took after the funeral, at the burial, and the condolence party, my beloved girlfriend Adelaide stood by my side.
In my room. At least.
She was disappointed in me, and she was sitting on the bed, as I drunk. I looked at her.
"What are you still doing here?" I asked harshly.
"There's nothing I can do except be by your side, and try not to let you kill yourself." She said, taking the scotch bottle from my hands, as I still had the cup, I looked at her.
"I treated you like shit today, and you're still here? Why!" I screamed. She bolted up and turned.
"Why did you think I came back in the first place? I could be living in France! But no, I came back with the man who fought for me, the one who wanted us to stay together! The one who told me..he couldn't see a life without me." She said, I looked at her and sipped my drink.

"Dan was don't deserve me.." I said standing up, going toward her.
"And nobody deserves you." I finished, she slapped me. I held her hand.

"Remember when you were the ruler? Remember when you crushed Blair, or anyone who would've thought they could step over you? Remember? You were the cold, ruthless bitch that nobody could stand, but everyone wanted to be. You had that passion, that..omph that made everyone scared of you, you were the alpha, and after Carter stuck that dick in you, you became a slut, a sleazy loose whore, nothing was the matter, you changed within the night, the night you came and begged me. The night you came and kissed me, and told me you always just need said the words to me, did. You weren't drunk, you were sober, drinking coffee and reading about the fucking stock market. You became a little lapdog, when you were the alpha wolf of New York, now you just lay by the Queen Bs side listening to all the shit that goes down. You used to be the one telling everyone else what to look at you.."
I said, through my teeth.

She looked at me, her eyes red. She was about to cry. I grabbed her face with my hand.
"Cry lapdog, beg, I don't care, nobody cares whore." I retorted.

She let go, and grabbed her purse and coat, wiping her eyes as she opened the door. "I'm sorry Chuck." She said, and closed the door, I heard running down the stairs, and I walked out, standing beside the wall, hearing Blair, and Serena try to stop her, and Nate.
"Nothing Nate. Chuck didn't do anything, like always."
and the elevator doors closed. I went to my fathers study, and poured the scotch. And then everyone piled into the room.

"Charles, what did you do?" Lily asked.
"What did you do?!" Serena screamed.
"I did nothing, I just told her the truth, nobody deserves a whore like herself." I purred. Blair came up and slapped me. I looked at her. "oh look another one who fits right in with that category."
"Chuck.." Nate said.

"She's our friend, especially she's the woman you love, if you're mad about your fathers death, talk to her about it that's what's she's here for. She loves you, and she didn't deserve that today. I mean she dressed you Chuck? How many girls would do that? Watch to make sure you won't get food poisoning?" Blair said. I sipped my drink.
"I have nothing to say.." I said.

And I left, I went to her hotel, and I found, in the corner of my hazy eye. I turned and saw, Carter, and Adelaide, kissing. His arm around her waist. As she pushed away, and he pulled her back, and kissed her more. She hit his chest, and he climbed on top of her, and proceeded the deed, beer bottle on her side. And I turned and walked out.

Just pretend you didn't see anything Bass. I went in and I got a scotch, my girlfriend.. Cheated on me.
I started to cry in the bathtub of my girlfriends suite..I laid there, thinking in all of the hurt I caused her the pain was surreal, I knew how she felt when she figured out I slept with Blair. I got out, when they were asleep, and I stumbled into Blair's apartment, I sat on her bed. And I heard the clack of footsteps.
"What are you doing here bass?" I heard.
I turned, she looked at me. My eyes were red, my hair was scuffed, I had snot running down my nose, my cheeks were red, my eyes puffy. And she looked at me.
"She cheated on me Blair.."
"Were you guys broken up?" She asked.
I shook my head. "I said some horrible stuff to her that I shouldn't ruined us, it ruined her, now.." I said, I started crying and she held me.
"She was probably drunk, like me." She said.
"It happens Chuck, what goes around, comes right back around."

XOXO Chuck BassWhere stories live. Discover now