Chapter one- The Party

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With all that's happening with the junior class of Constance and St. Jude's, the one night of the year. Blair Waldorf's back to school party has officially started, seeing Serena locking lips with lonely boy it true? Well who knows in this city..will our precious Adelaide come back from rio with a Brazilian model, or come back from Rehab in Los Angeles and fall back into her old ways? Who knows we'll both find out tonight.
XOXO - Gossip Girl.
I knew something wasn't right when I walked into Blair's penthouse apartment. "Blair?!" I yelled I heard the tiny clack of heels running down the stairs and then a pound and I heard "ADDIE!!" And I was pulled into a bear hug by Blair Waldorf. She grabbed my hand and turned me around. "Ah, Givenchy..nice choice." I was wearing a white Givenchy dress with a low cut back, long sleeves, and black boots. And a gold Michael Kors watch on my left wrist and my well known Cartier ring on my pinky. She ran up the stairs with me and we went to the balcony. Serena stood and hugged me. "Well Addie I see you've had a nice summer, your's blonde!" She laughed. I twirled it. "You like it?" I laughed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled. "I love it!" I held her hands and laughed. Nate stood and I hugged him.

"You had a nice summer Addie?" He asked. I nodded. "Rio Is beautiful, it was winter. But it was okay." I smiled. I heard the infamous clearing of the throat and turned around to Chuck Bass. Or who I like to call. "Chuck Basstard."
He walked up to me and placed his arm around my waist. "Well, look who came back blonde, and beautiful. And.." He sniffed me. "Sober." I turned around and his chest. "Chuck you dick." I smiled. "I'll show you a dick." He growled in my ear and I stepped on his shoe.

He grumbled and I walked out of his grasp. "Fiery one that one is.." He said. I walked over and poured myself a scotch and went to stand over by the balcony where overlooking the street was my only peace. The shuffle of the taxis, the horns honking, the music coming from the speakers by the door. I looked over and saw a man with dark hair and blue eyes, dressed in a blue polo a black jacket, and slacks with dress shoes. I gasped and he saw me. "How was rio Adelaide?" I sipped my drink not looking up at him. "Great." I said. "Hey look at me." He said. "Carter, after that little stunt you pulled last year..I can't even look at you without seeing you leave me alone in that fucking hotel room that night." He sighed. "Lay' I'm sorry, I'm sorry I left you that night." I turned and looked at him. "I overdosed Carter. I almost died!" "I'm sorry Adelaide, I still l-" I scoffed. "Don't even say it, you don't even mean it Carter."
Carter Baizen was the man of my dreams last year, we dated for 9 months. He never wanted sex. He only wanted adventure, and that's what I gave him. A girl that he could do anything with. A girl who would give him a blow job in the changing rooms at Saks, a girl who would've dumped her friends to go with a guy to Jersey to party, and take MDMA until we were just in the bathtub kissing, and then the girl who was so drunk her and her beloved boyfriend, after prom hit up a hotel room at the Four Seasons. She told him about how her fathers firm was bankrupt and she was gonna have to live her mother in Manhattan, and her father was innocent, and that his boyfriend paid the judge. And she started crying. And he left.
The girl appeared at Chuck Bass' suite, smelling of vodka, and pain relievers. She told the one guy she hated, everything. And he gave her a shower and checked her into the rehab in town.

That girl was gone, and Carter was the one reminder of that girl, about all the sadness and ruin she once had, and how the help of 4 friends helped her become the Adelaide I am today. The top of our class with a 4.6 GPA, a letter of acceptance into Harvard, who's friendship with Serena became stronger once she got away from Carter.
He grabbed my arm. "Adelaide..please." I looked at him. "No. Get away." I said.

Chuck saw and came over his arm around my waist. "The lady said, get away Carter."

"So now you're whoring around with The Bass man? Oh that's low even for you, and you have me a blow job in a gas station in Poughkeepsie."
Chuck put his hand on Carter's chest.

"Leave Now. Carter who even invited you?" Chuck asked.

"Nobody, I crashed Blair Waldorf's party to see Adelaide." Carter said.
Chuck looked at me looking down at the street.

"It's clear she didn't want to see you, now leave freely or go with force." Chuck said.
Carter pushed him, and they started fighting I was screaming. "Carter!" And Serena saw across the rooftop, and ran over pulling me back, holding my head against her neck, as Nate separated them. And Carter left and Chuck touched the mid of my arm. "I'm sorry Adelaide." I looked at him. "Thank you Chuck." I said and I grabbed his hand and he smiled. I still was in Serena's embrace.
How many people saw Chuck Bass defend Adelaide Percy's honor, talk about knight and shining Armani, even after sometime Addie, the past comes back. What goes around comes right back to the upper east side.
you know you love me XOXO Gossip Girl.

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