Chapter four- Its the Great Pumpkin Chuck Bass!

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Thanksgiving came around, fast and furiously, I awoke in Chuck's suite, without warning turned my hand, and slapping him in the face. I leaned down.
"Oh my god baby, baby I'm so sorry. Oh honey!" I said kissing him all over his face my hand on his cheek. He looked at me.
"It's right sweetheart I understand." His morning voice broke and I melted.
My dark brown hair wrapped into a chignon. I smiled, and got up. And wrapped myself with the silk robe Chuck got me for my overnight visits, Chuck Bass, and Adelaide Percy, have been dating, for?
Well.. 4 months. He hasn't pressured me, we haven't had sex, he hasn't cheated, he's been by my side 24/7.
And quite frankly, I think I'm falling in love with him.

He got up. "Get ready, we have dinner at 4 at Fathers place." I said. "We has lunch, at my mothers at 2 Chuck!" I finally said, he got up and grabbed my cheeks kissing me all over my face. I giggled. "Chuck! Chuck!" I snickered. He kissed me slowly, and I smiled. "Stop..please we have to get ready we leave in a hour, we overslept." I laughed. Chuck kissed me. "Let's save water..shower together." I looked at him. "Chuck.." I moaned. "Look I'm not gonna bend you over the rail, just..we can see each other.." He said. I took off the robe off my shoulder. He saw my breasts, and he came and undo the tie, and it fell. He but his lip. And I went to the bathroom, he came in and opened the steam shower to me wetting my hair, the water droplets going down, he came, and held me close to him. "You're so beautiful." He said. I pressed myself so I could feel all of him. He looked at me. "You're a tease Addie.." He moaned. I kissed his chin softly and he looked at me, and grabbed my chin and I stuck my tongue down his throat. He pressed me against the shower wall. My arms above my head. And kissed me. My legs wrapped around his torso.
( about to contain crude material)
He kissed my neck and my breast, rubbing his tongue around my nipples, I ran my fingers through his hair. And his fingers went down to my center, and with two fingers he moved my clitoris around, I looked at him, my eyes about to roll in the back of my head. He kissed me and I grabbed his neck, pressing harder against him, he had an erection, I pressed my hand to his chest and moved it all the way down. And I teased him with the top of my fingers moving around his shaft, precum all over my fingers, he looked a me his eyes slants, I smirked kissing down his neck, his chest. To his V line to the erected beautiful thing to my face. I placed my hand around it, pumping it. Kissing it as his head moved back, his hand on top of my head, as I placed it in my mouth and he went on the shower wall, I took it out and started pumping and he comes on my breasts, I turn and wash it off, as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I could marry you Adelaide Percy." He purred, I turned. "Anytime Mr. Bass." I smirked.
We got out, and I sat on his bed, I got changed into a blue wrap dress with grey jacket, a diamond necklace, and black heels. My hair in a retro wave thing, I came out into the main suite, and Chuck was in a dark tux with a striped tie.

We entered my mothers thanksgiving, with the elders shaking Chuck's hand saying Their fine Addie found a good stable man, instead of that Scumbag."

I patted Chuck's chest. And I placed a hand on the champagne that was going Round. Chuck took it from me.

"We don't need a repeat of last years thanksgiving do we Adelaide?" He said, I looked at him.

"Let's go find a seat." I said guiding him to the dining room, it was in a white wall, white granite floor with a gold tripped glass table with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and Chuck looked at me.
"C'mon." He said, he pulled out the chair for me, and I sat he sat beside me his body leaning toward me, his hand on mine his thumb going across mine. "Thank you for coming Chuck." I said. He nodded. "Anything for my all." He said while kissing me lightly.
We ate, and then waited until 4:10, we walked in and Bart looked at me. "You reeled in a Percy? Good job son." He said, hugging me while he kissed my cheeks. "Nice to see you Adelaide." I smiled at him.
"Nice to see you also Mr. Bass." I said. Bart smiled at me, and then looked at Chuck.
"You treat her well son." He said. I mocked him, and Chuck smiled his arms around my waist. "I am." He smiled.

Throughout the dinner, It was nice, lovely everyone was having a pleasant time. "Stop making this all about yourself Chuck, it's not gentlemen like to boast in front of loved ones, especially the leading lady in your life." Bart said. I looked at Chuck. "Oh my god." I said, sipping my water. "I learned from the best, father." He said. Chuck grabbed my hand and sipped his scotch. "Back to the deal," Bart said. "Everything you say that comes out of your mouth is a lie!" He screamed. "Charles!" Bart retorted. "Everything!" "I think it'll be better if you left." Bart said. "I think so too, c'mon Adelaide. You don't need this." Chuck said, getting up. I got up with him. "Thank you Mr. Bass it was excellent." I said. And Chuck grabbed my arm. "She doesn't deserve you Chuck." Bart said. I watched Chuck turn and walk over to his father and grab his collar. "You don't know her! You don't know what's best for her. I do. I love her, I'm gonna marry her Bart. So screw you." He spat in his face. "Marriage, only after 4 months? Wow.." Bart said. Chuck punched him. "Stay out of our life Bart Bass." Chuck said.
We hit the suite and I changed, Chuck and I sat in his bed watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." Chucks cheek started trembling and I grabbed his hand. He started crying and he laid on my bosom. "It's okay baby." I said. Petting his hair, kissing the top. "It's okay, sweet baby. It's okay." I said.

Well looks like the truth came out, after a rumble with the king of the throne Bart Bass, prince Chuck takes his princess sweet Adelaide and leaves Thanksgiving early. Well..Looks like a case of family bonding went wrong, but of course the holidays bring families together, and tear them apart.
You know you love me
XoXo- Gossip Girl.

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