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ʟᴜᴋᴇ 23:34

"OK, so I just sneak in and lay the gift on her desk chair?" Oliver said to Cahya. Cahya nodded. "Should I leave a note?" he asked. Cahya nodded. Oliver wrote down a note.

Hey, this is my birthday gift for you, there's more coming, don't worry. Happy birthday!

"No, don't say that!" Cahya said. "Why?" he asked. "Because she'll feel like she has to wear it. And that'll make it so she won't actually enjoy it." Cahya told her. "No, not possible," he said. "Yes, it is."

"No, she can't think like that,"

"I'm a girl, I know. She does,"

"Girls don't overthink that much, right?"

"They do."


Cahya took the pen and started writing.

Happy 13th Birthday, Margo <3


"You can't add the heart!" Oliver said. "Yes, I can! Now go before she wakes up!" Cahya said, pushing him to Margo's room. He ran into the door. He opened the door slowly and walked in. She was sleeping with her arm hanging over the side of the bed.

He put it in her chair by the desk. He slowly walked out. "Hope she enjoys it," he muttered.

"Huh? Oh, it's my birthday!" Margo said, waking up. She got up and looked outside. It was almost church time. "Oh, crap! Church!" she said, getting up. She rushed to her clothes. "OK! This dress? No! This one? No?" she said, looking through them. Then she saw her chair and the gift. She walked over to it and opened it. She read the happy birthday card. She smiled slightly to herself.

She opened it and looked at the dress. She smiled. "Oh, I love this," Margo said. She quickly got changed into it. She also saw the veil. She put it on. "I love it," she said, looking in the mirror.

"You look very pretty today, Margo," Cahya said as they walked to church. "Doesn't she, Oliver?" Cahya elbowed him. "Yes! Yes, you do, Margie," he said, blushing. "See? I told you she would wear it!" Hazel whispered in Oliver's ear. He blushed again.

They sat in the pews as Father Andrew prayed. They each prayed in their language.

Margo prayed in Hebrew:

אבינו אשר בשמים, יתקדש שמך. תבוא מלכותך. יעשה רצונך בארץ, כמו בשמים. תן לנו היום את לחמנו היומי. וסלח לנו על פשעינו, כשם שאנו סולחים לאלו העוברים עלינו. ואל תוביל אותנו בפיתוי, אלא הצילנו מרע. כי שלך המלכות, הכוח והתהילה, לעולם ועד. אָמֵן.

Robbie and Chester prayed in Spanish:

Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre. Venga tu reino. Hágase tu voluntad en la tierra, como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Y perdona nuestras ofensas, como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. Y no nos dejes caer en la tentación, Mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el poder y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

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