Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"What?" I asked, my forehead creased when I Cheryl asked me the question. It was still early in the morning. I hadn't even finished my first cup of coffee yet.

"There are rumors," she said.

"About me running for presidency?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes," she replied. "They're asking for comments."

I simply rolled my eyes. Jack. I was pretty sure that he's the source of this so-called rumor. He really won't let this rest.

"Just say that I fully intend to support my husband's political career," I told Cheryl. The Philippines love this 'supportive wife' act. I play it very well. When we're in the public eye, my eyes were almost always on Archibald. I always clap in admiration and fawn in adoration.

I was the perfect wife for him.

Pero bigla akong napahinto.

"What... what's the reception?" I asked, letting the curiosity get the better of me.

"Mostly negative," Cheryl replied. "But that's because Senator's performing very well. The opinion of the majority is that you two are a good team," she continued. I knew she was just paraphrasing to protect my 'feelings.'

It was nothing new. I wasn't surprised that men didn't want a female leader—that would give them aneurysm. And the women in this country have gotten used to being beneath men that the idea of a woman leading is just... unheard of.

"He's performing better than expected," Cheryl added. "He's currently the favorite among the younger people. If this trend continues, he'll be a shoo in for the presidential election."

Nothing surprising.

I understood the younger generation. I knew exactly what agendas to push to get their sympathy. And even when I knew that Archibald had to vote no to some bills, I had him do interviews to quickly control the backlash.

It's all about preparation and soothing the people's ego.

"Maven?" I asked.

"Congressman de Marco's getting a lot of negative press from the church and other religious sect," she said.

"About the SOGIE?" I asked and she nodded.

Right... I forgot how righteous that cousin of mine is. He's voting yes to all progressive bills—if not being the principal author of them. The last I heard was that he's already working with a committee to push the agenda on legalizing abortion. It'd be interesting when it gets to voting—I knew Archibald would want to vote yes... but he's one of those people who only gives a shit when it personally affects them. He doesn't care about abortion—but he surely do care when it's his baby you're about to abort.

"There are also comparison between Senator and Congressman," she said.

Kumunot ang noo ko. "About what exactly?"

"The votes," Cheryl said. "Majority of the comments are about your family, Ma'am," she continued. "That you have a good family—that's why the senator knows how to protect the sanctity of family and marriage."

I pursed my lips.

"Interesting..." I said. "And what about Maven?"

"Some people still bring up the plane incident," she replied. "Sinasabi nila na nahawa na raw si Congressman sa asawa niya—kaya ganon ang boto niya sa mga bills ngayon sa kongreso."

These people could be farther from the truth—Maven has always been the progressive type. Abby or not, that man will vote yes to legalizing abortion, divorce, and SOGIE equality.

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