Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I woke up a minute earlier than the alarm. I stayed lying and stared at the ceiling until I heard the inevitable sound. I sat down, stood up, and started to walk. Dumiretso ako sa coffee machine para gumawa ng kape. I made myself a cup—an extra strong one this time. I knew that I'd need energy to get through today.

Lots of things that needed to be done.

I needed to talk to Cheryl.

I needed to consult with a crisis manager.

And I still needed to have a talk with Abuela. I knew that she's aware. It's of no use to pretend that she's not aware of everything that's happening.

I stood there and waited as my coffee finished brewing. When it was done, I poured it in my cup. I took a sit and enjoyed the silence—this was probably one of the last few moments of silence that I'd have in a while.


I looked at him. He had been watching my every movement simula nang lumabas ako sa kwarto. He looked like guilt was eating him alive. What for? He surely wasn't guilty when he was sticking his dick in that girl.

"Nadia, can we talk?"

"Later," I replied.


"I need to consult with some people first."

Napakunot ang noo niya. "What?"

I held on to my cup. It was still hot, but not as hot as I would have wanted. I wanted it scalding. I wanted to burn. I wanted to feel something because I felt nothing now. All I could think of was how to fix this mess that he started.

Because I was far too gone now.

Too many people were involved.

Promises were made.

Money were spent.

And people don't play when it comes to money.

"About what the next appropriate action is," I said.

"What? No. I don't care about that—"

"Well, start caring," I told him. "I'll be meeting with some people first. I'll have them meet you once we get everything fixed."

His forehead started to crease. "What?"

I finished my cup of coffee.

I looked at him.

"Trust me—you don't want to know," I replied as I stood up because I had a long day ahead of me.

* * *

Archibald had been blowing up my phone—so much so that I had to temporarily block his number because I could not be seeing his notification every time I would check my phone. I had other things that needed to be prioritized.

"Before we begin," Kerry, the crisis manager, said, "I need to know what your end goal is."

"Presidency," I simply replied.

She gave me a small nod. "How far are we willing to go?"

"Very far," I replied as I saw that Archibald was using a different number to message me to ask me where I was and to ask when we could talk.

He's relentless for all the wrong reasons.

"Alright," she said with a very serious face. She's quite expensive, but she's very good at her job. She's who Senator Velasquez use whenever he or his family would get in trouble. So far, the reputation's unblemished. I'd say she's worth the price tag. "First, we will need to know how far along she is," Kerry, the crisis manager, told me. "If she's far along enough that we can get a paternity test."

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