Chapter Twenty Four: Of a Lemon That has Been Truly Sucked dry

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Owen was talking with Jimmy, trying to see what his little half-brother saw in the boy.

He was reasonably fit with a good sense of humour, his skill with a gun was just as good as Owen's skill with a bow, and Owen guessed he was reasonably attractive, but even still he couldn't see why Scott would fall for him of all people.

Of course Owen had known that Scott was gay since he and Olivia were the only two people who Scott had told so he wasn't surprised about the one Scott falling in love with being a man, but he still felt there was something missing.

But then again Owen didn't really ever understand love, so maybe that was just a him problem.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself" Jimmy said


"You've only really been asking me about my life, but I have to admit I'm quite curious as to how my boyfriends older half-brother's life is."

"I see, well I guess you could say it was kind of cutthroat. I mean I only had three friends during training, and we almost died everyday. I mean Alex... did die... because of... Talia... but just... just like my mom... it was labeled as... as a demon attack..."

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm so sorry for you!"

"It's ok... death just seems to follow me wherever I go. Scott was just lucky that he survived my curse..."

"Don't say that"


Jimmy was looking at Owen with an intense expression on his face.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for the deaths of everyone around you. It was your father's and stepmothers fault not you, and it was also Talia's to. The point I'm trying to make is that you aren't the reason all those people died, you are a survivor of... what I can only imagine to be a mass murder of a life."

Owen gave Jimmy a weak smile.

"Thanks... I... I needed to hear that..."

"Well, I'm glad that I could help"

The smile Jimmy gave Owen was brighter, less forced, and the energy that came from it made Owen want to smile for real.

But he didn't.

And after talking with Jimmy for a bit more, Owen decided to go talk to Shelby about something that had been itching at his conscious for a while now ever since he woke up in the pube after the fight with Rowan.

He found her laying down on the grass, her body spread out like a starfish as she gazed into the glow of the moon.

"Hey" Owen said awkwardly and Shelby turned her head to smile at him.

"Hi!" Shelby said cheerfully like she normally did when talking to... well anyone really, Shelby was a very smiley kind of girl.

Just like her...

"Is something wrong?" Shelby asked and Owen shook his head as he went to go sit beside her.

"No, just got lost in thought is all"

Shelby sat up and gave Owen a concerned look.

"Are you sure? You looked really sad just now"

Owen thought about his response for a bit before sighing.

"I guess I could tell you about it. I mean it was partly the reason I wanted to talk to you in the first place. Anyway. So... I had a half-sister."

"You had many half-siblings Owen" Shelby interrupted.

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