Chapter Twentyone: Wait Don't go Away can I lay Here Forever

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When Shelby woke up she was laying on surprisingly soft grass.

Of course her body was partially sunk into said grass, but that was just one of the things being a ghost did to your everyday life.

You could never actually sit on something.

Around her were people she recognized as well as didn't recognize.

Two of the ones she recognized in particular being both Apo and Mohwee.

Mohwee was awake and simply staring off into space while Apo was still dead to the world.

There were a few others that were awake, those being Guts, Wilbur, Raspie, Ori, Ranboo, a girl with short brown hair and a green T-shirt, Scott, and Sparkles.

Blueberry was nowhere to be found, which made Shelby feel a bit sadder knowing that she couldn't talk to him, and ask all of those questions that were burning painful holes in her mind the longer they went unanswered.

"Hey, you're up" Mohwee commented, snapping Shelby out of her thoughts.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I guess I am, what happened by the way?"

"Well this red haired girl and blue haired boy came up to me and Apo, and said some weird shit before knocking us both out. Did something like that happen to you?"

"Uhm... I guess you could say that, but I recognized one of the people who were talking to me, even if I could only hear their voice"

"Really!? Who was it?"

"It was my brother Blueberry!"

"Your brothers name is Blueberry?"

"Well... no, that's just his nickname that I gave him, he actually shares a name with my my best friend."

"Wait you have two brothers named Owen!?"

Shelby giggled, "no silly! He shares a name with Scott!"

"Oh... well I feel stupid now"

"Don't be! I have a lot of people that I consider my best friend."

"Is Wilbur one of them? Cause that was gonna be my next guess just so you're aware."

"Yep! Wilbur is someone I consider my best friend."

"I guess that makes sense considering you literally repeated the others name as soon as you saw each other again."

"Yeah, I guess we did do that"

"Honestly that should've been my first guess considering what I had just said. I don't know why Owen was the first name that popped into my head."

"Maybe it's because we're the only other people you've hung out with in a while."

"True, but you were gone an incredibly long time y'know, so I was by myself for a good chunk of it."

"Yeah, sorry bout that"

"Naw it's fine, I doubt you could really control it considering if you could you probably would've checked back in with me."

"Yep, that is something I would've done if I could've done it."

"Well, woulda, shoulda, coulda, it doesn't really matter now, does it."

"I guess you're right"

"I am right excuse you"

"Sorry, you are right"

"Thank you Shelby"

"You guys talk really loud"

Both Shelby and Mohwee turned to see Tubbo buzzing over to them.

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