Chapter Twentythree: You Start Them Just to Feel the Heat

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Shelby chased Apo and Mohwee through the forest, laughing all the way.

It was thrilling feeling the rush of the wind against her skin, even though from Sparkles's point of view that should physically be impossible.

Starborn starts aside Shelby was having the time of her life playing tag with her friends.

Eventually she managed to tag Mohwee, but none of the two could ever catch Apo.

Either half-demons were incredibly fast, or she and Mohwee were just a whole lot less fast then they thought.

Either way at the end of the day Apo was the winner by technically.

"You guys look tired" Soup pointed out (Shelby had made a point to learn every outsiders names).

"Yeah well... in our defence we've... been playing tag... for five hours" Mohwee panted

"Jeez that's some commitment"

"Me... and Shelby wanted... to be the one... to tag Apo"

"Let me guess you failed."

Mohwee only managed a tired nod.

"How fast are you?"

Apo only shrugged at the question.

Soup chuckled before walking off to go talk to Krow and Magic who seemed to be arguing with Bek about something.

What that something was Shelby didn't know.

Although it seemed to be pretty tense considering Krow looked like it was about to claw Bek's face out.

Apo yawned and stretched out his limbs.

"Well I'm tired"

"Oh really you don't say" Mohwee drawled sarcastically.

"Heyyyy, I had to give it my all to make sure you two didn't tag me, I'm aloud to be tired for that reason."

"Well yeah, but you can't be more tired then me and Shelby since we were the ones having to chase you around the whole damn forest for five fucking hours!"

"I was literally running from you for five hours"

"That's different"

"No it really isn't"

"How about we don't argue and just agree that everyone's energy has been drained to the point of passing out" Shelby suggested.

The only response Shelby got, was Mohwee flopping back down on the grass with a sigh.

Sometimes Shelby felt like she was taking care of children when she was hanging out with Mohwee and Apo.

She didn't know how Owen did it.

But then again Owen was Owen, and he had also had Olivia with him for help and support. Although now that she thought about it. Owen helped and supported Olivia a lot more then she had done so for him.

When Owen tried to do something that wasn't that it usually ended up with him getting injured and Olivia having to save him.

Although there had been one time when Shelby was alive that she saw Owen actually get angry.

Her little brother Bobby had been sobbing for a good half an hour.

Olivia had been forced to run errands, and Owen had been trying in vein to calm Bobby down.

Shelby had come to help him with it, but even then Bobby continued to sob uncontrollably.

Their father's friend Talia had come and threw both Owen and Shelby to the side before stabbing Bobby with her sword, telling him to shut up, and that children should be seen and not heard.

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