Chapter Four: I am a Lost Boy

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"He did what!?" Owen shouted, "why is this a bad thing?" Ranboo asked, "because if it turns to night the doors will close and Mohwee will be trapped in the maze with the creature" Ori explained.

"Shelby, Guts, and Squidney I want you to come with me to find Mohwee, everyone else stay here, got it?"

Everyone nodded and Owen rushed over to the gate with Guts, Shelby, and Squidney following closely behind.

It was getting uncomfortably close to nighttime, but they had to go in.

Hopefully Shelby would be able to get them out of any sticky situations with how her presence affects the creatures, but that was only if they didn't make it out before nightfall.

If they did make it, then that was good.

But if they didn't, at least they had Shelby.

The group ran into the maze calling out Mohwee's name.

"Owen..." Guts said in a scared tone after a while of calling out for their friend, "it's turning night"

"Shit" Owen muttered looking at his clock.

"Hey it's ok! I can just lead the creatures away if it comes down to it!" Shelby chimed in.

"You can do that?" Squidney asked and the ghost nodded.


Shelby giggled and the group continued to call out for their friend.

Soon the night was upon them.

Shelby took off the pumpkin and turned visible again, noticeably more worried then she had seemed a few minutes ago.

They didn't hear the creature yet, which was either a good sign or a bad one.

"Should we continue to call out for him?" Squidney asked in a low whisper.

"No" Owen answered, "we don't want to bring unnecessary attention to ourselves."

"I could look through the walls to find him if that's ok with you" Shelby suggested matching the low whisper perfectly.

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, me and Wilbur faze through walls all the time"

"I see"

"So can I do it?"

"I mean I don't see why not, we'll just have to be extra careful while you're gone"

"Don't worry, I'll be back as fast as I can"

"Thanks, we appreciate it Shelby"

"No problem, see you in hopefully a couple of minutes."

"Same here"

And with that Shelby flew through the walls of the maze in search for Mohwee.

"Hopefully we don't die before she gets back" Guts muttered and Owen nodded, "I trust that she will, I mean she doesn't seem like the type to lie from what I've seen of her."

"I mean that is good, the last thing we want is another Apo." Squidney said.

Owen tried not to flinch at the mention of his old ex-best-friend. While he did miss Apo a bit, he didn't know where he stood with him.

On the one hand he had killed everyone from Magic and Bek's clearing.

But on the other there was really no way anyone could know what those levers would do.

So needless to say, Owen was confused to say the least.

A low growl broke Owen from his thoughts as he looked up to see himself, Guts, and Squidney face to face with the creature.

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