Chapter Seven: Oh Misty eye of the Mountain Below

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Owen woke up with Shelby and Mohwee practically smothering him with their bodies.

Owen sighed, knowing that it would be a miracle if he ever got out of this mess that he'd somehow gotten himself into.

So he just waited patiently for them to wake up, trying to ignore the worsening pain from his wounds which turned out to be easier said then done considering he had nothing else to really do.

The first to wake up was Shelby, who apologized for possibly worsening his wounds.

Mohwee however, was still dead to the world.

"Sh-should I get him off you?" Shelby asked in a whisper.

"No it's fine, I can handle it" Owen reassured.

"Whatever you say dad"

Owen sighed at the remark but said nothing.

He had said that both Mohwee and Shelby could call him that so he shouldn't complain about something he put himself into.

When Mohwee eventually woke up, it was close to midday.

"Morning dad" Mohwee greeted, wiping sleep from his eyes, and stretching like a cat, or some other animal.

"Good morning Mohwee" Owen responded

"Morning brother!" Shelby chirped and Owen sighed.

"What time is it?" Mohwee asked waving to Shelby with a small and still tired smile on his face.

"Almost midday I think" Owen answered

"Ooh! Let me check!" Shelby said excitedly turning invisible and presumably rushing out of the crack in the wall to check where the sun was in the sky.

When she appeared once again she gave a thumbs up to Owen.

"Yep! Definitely midday, not even almost!"

"Good to know I guess" Mohwee muttered

"Did you see anyone?" Owen asked

Shelby shook her head, "not even Wilbur was there, I guess he probably has important things to do, but I thought he'd at least make an attempt."

"Maybe he has and we were just asleep when he did" Owen pointed out

"Maybe..." Shelby said, but she still seemed sad

"Hey it's alright, it's not like we'll never see them again, we're just waiting on your gut is all."

"I guess you're right, thanks dad"

Owen chuckled, although he didn't really feel like he wanted to be a father, he was content to let Shelby and Mohwee call him that for as long as they felt like it.

Which might be a while considering how stubborn they could be.

The rest of the day was spent with the three of them playing hang man. It was quite fun trying to guess the word, and it reminded Owen of something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

It was as if he'd played that game before.

With multiple people, not just three or two.

A woman chuckled sweetly.

"Correct again Olivia, you are quite the observant one aren't you."

"Thanks mom, but I couldn't have done it without Owen." A girl with lemon yellow eyes and short brown hair said cheerfully.

"I didn't do anything" a boy who seemed to be a younger version of him protested.

"Nonsense! Your presence is always helpful!"

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