Chapter Sixteen: Lets go Exploring Where we Could Just go for a Walk

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Owen woke up with a yawn.

The first thing he noticed was Sneeg still asleep on his shoulder.

The second thing he noticed, was a new presence, leaning against him.

They had long black hair with slim horns. A green beanie sat on their head, and they wore a rather stylish purple vest with a white undershirt.

They looked a bit like Ranboo, with matching pitch black skin and everything.

Their eyes were closed and they appeared to be sleeping.

While Owen wanted to wake either the new person or Sneeg. He felt as though that wouldn't be the best course of action to take at this point in time.

And besides.

It reminded him of the time Mohwee and Shelby would fall asleep on top of him.

So at the end of the day, Owen found he really didn't mind the fact that he basically was now a part time pillow.

Eventually Philza came flying back, and he nearly laughed at the sight that lay before him.

"Hey mate, I see Aimsey and Sneeg have taken quite the liking to you." Phil commented

"Well I didn't really know that er Aimsey thought I looked like a good pillow, but yeah, you're right"

Phil chuckled sympathetically, "I feel you on that one. These fucks always decide to sleep on me, probably because I'm the oldest here."

"Yeah Sneeg told me you were an old man."

"I'm not surprised, anyway on a slightly lower tone, I couldn't find the place you described, sorry mate."

"It's ok, I didn't really expect you to find it anyway."

"If you want I can keep searching"

"No it's fine"

"You sure?"

Not at all


"Alright then, I guess I'll be off now, have fun with those two"

Owen chuckled at this

"I will."

Philza chuckled before taking off, blowing a large gust of wind that woke up both Aimsey and Sneeg.

"Oh hi there!" Aimsey said in a loud (and slightly panicked) voice.

"Uhm... hello" Owen answered

"Was Philza here?" Sneeg asked

"Uh yeah, you just missed him"

"Oh, that's cool, also, sorry for sleeping on you I was just reeeaaalllly tired and you looked so comfortable."

"It's fine, I didn't really mind it."

"Say, I don't think I got your name, what is it?"

"Oh, it's Owen"

"Nice to meet you Owen! I'm Aimsey the Endarian"

"Nice to meet you to Aimsey"

"Say, what's your origin?"

"Come again?"

"Your origin, y'know the species you were born, or in Shelby and Wilbur's case turned into."

"A-I'm a human... wait did you say Shelby and Wilbur?"

"Uhm... yes I did, why?"

"Two ghosts named Shelby and Wilbur appeared in the clearing I think a few days ago"

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