Chapter Twenty two: Scared of the Water Scared of the Rain

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It had taken a while for Owen to fully heal from all of his wounds.

From the cuts he had sustained due to The Greiver as his half-brother Blueberry called it.

To the stab wounds his own fucking father inflicted on him.

During that time he had learned about what had happened to Scott after they all thought he had passed away.

Apparently Owen's stepmother Carol was part of the organization that ran the games, or what Owen and his fellow outsiders called: The Maze.

She had basically told Scott that he was going to be the host man for the live recordings of the games since the previous host had died due to a 'freak accident' or else she would actually kill him.

During his time as a host he fell in love with one of his coworkers named Jimmy.

They had to keep their love secret though since if Scott's mother, or the rest of the company found out. Jimmy would be in huge danger.

Not that he wasn't already in danger, as he and Ash were spy's who had infiltrated the company with the soul purpose of taking it down from the inside.

As soon as Scott had learned of this, of course he ended up joining it.

Ash and Jimmy were from an organization called Listeners, whose main goal was to stop evil or corrupt things from continuing, or even happening in the first place.

The Game was a direct example of that since it basically took people who were either starting to lose their sanity, murdered at least once, or in Gracie and this other guy named Grian; who was from a previous games case: were too much of a burden for their family.

Listeners wanted to put an end to it. As the company's way of handling these sorts of things was completely wrong, and would only worsen the situation.

These were all things Scott agreed with, and so he joined almost immediately after learning of Listeners existence.

Due to being the son of one of the most feared generals humanity has ever seen, Scott had a lot of information that Listeners used to their advantage, including what had actually happened to Rowan's first wife Heather.

Now Rowan had told everyone that a demon had come in, and killed Heather brutally, but in reality it was Rowan himself who had killed her. His reason being that she had found out about the other murders he had done.

However the proof she had gotten hadn't died with her, as Olivia had taken it from their mother, and Scott had taken it from her when she wasn't looking.

Devilish I know but in his defence he was five.

The proof Heather had gotten was now in Listeners hands, where it would hopefully stay until they could find the right moment to expose Rowan once and for all.

Scott turned out to be an important player in this whole thing since he could get the most information with the least amount of suspicion.

He was the son of the general after all.

So it was only natural that the other people (who actually were working for the company) would have a lot more trust in him.

He had collected a lot of useful info using that power.

In other words, he had The Power of Heritage.

Of course The Power of Heritage could only get him so far, which was where both Jimmy and Ash came into play.

They would use their experience as spy's to collect the information Scott could not, which made them a perfect team.

It also helped that Scott knew how to control The Greivers.

Certain commands would make The Greiver do certain things. Like how The Greiver could only come out at nighttime, and would only sting a 'player' (as the company called the outsiders) if a certain button was pressed.

These commands were different for The Greivers at amusement parks based around this cruel game.

Past and present outsiders had their own merch, and it had become one of the most popular game shows of all time.

Scott even had merch of himself (although he didn't like it) since he was the host.

The reason Owen had never heard of this before, was because he had purposely been left in the dark about it.

Scott explained that the plan had always been to drive Owen to the brink of madness, so that he could end up in the game, and for him to become the next main antagonist of the series.

What they didn't plan for, was for Listeners interference.

Basically one of Listeners pro hackers whose code name was MITLW hacked into the company's system and transported Shelby, and the others into the game.

This was why The Greiver reacted the way it did to Shelby, since it was programmed to attack only outsiders, and Shelby was not listed as an outsider, therefore The Greiver labeled her as an employee of the company, and only followed her movements.

The company later updated The Greiver's programming so that it would recognize Shelby and all of her friends as outsiders/players, and as such attack them on sight.

This was when Scott and the rest of Listeners decided that it was time to fully end this game once and for all.

And that they did.

Within a few hackings by MITLW and Ash and Jimmy being a murdering duo with Scott just tagging along for the ride (and to command The Greiver) they had officially destroyed the company.

Of course they hadn't destroyed it completely, just freed all the other outsiders, and shut down all The Greivers, as well as a few other stuff that Scott had only heard of through being part of Listeners.

Although he wasn't fully part of it since The Higher Ups still didn't completely trust him yet.

So for now he was more of a... partner if you will.

And so that was basically it for Scott's life up until he and Owen had reunited again.

Owen couldn't say he had expected that to be the answer when he learned of his half-brother being alive, but then again he didn't know Scott was alive until when he first met Ash so...

Either way he had regained part of his family.

And he wasn't gonna let anyone take them from him again.

No matter what.

Hello my girls, gays, and theys!

So this was more of a info chapter (if that even makes any sense)

But now you know a bit more of the backstory of this book.

As always leave your guess to the song right here ————>

And I will see you in the next chapter!

See ya!


Word count: 1128

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