Chapter Forteen: Throw on Your Jersy no one Gets Hurt

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The Pube was quite nice if Owen was gonna be honest.

There were plants sprinkled throughout, seats that seemed to be made of pure lava, and even a tank that Owen assumed was for Niki.

"So where is this crow father you speak of?" Owen asked, glancing up at Sneeg even though he knew it would be useless considering the fact that he was still on top of Owen's head.

"Hmm... probably in the attic" Sneeg commented

"I am here"

Owen whipped around as a figure appeared behind them.

The figure's facial features were obscured by a veil that was attached to a rather nice looking hat.

They had long black wings that must've been the size of the entire pube, and they wore a long black cloak.

Not to mention they were also huge.

Owen was a decently tall guy, so this being that must've been at least 10ft was quite intimidating to say the least (don't tell the other outsiders that though, or else he'd never hear the end of it from at least a few of them).

"Uhm... hello?" Owen wanted to wince at how that had come out.

He sounded like a scared child, cowering in fear because of their father and stepmother, wait. Why did that pop up in his mind first?

Never mind, that wasn't important right now.

"Why did you call for me?" The figure asked

"You see Crow Father, what has happened to Owen has happened to our friends." Sneeg explained, jumping off of Owen's head.

"You want answers?"

"Uhm... y-yes we... we would like some uh answers Crow Father Sir."

At this the figure laughed, and a tornado of black feathers engulfed the being; a gust of wind erupting from that exact place (which made Sneeg fly into Owen's face).

Suddenly the feathers sunk to the floor, and where there once stood The Crow Father, there now stood a man with smaller black wings, greenish-blue eyes, a simple white and green striped hat, and wavy blonde hair.

"Hello mate, I'm Philza Minecraft, but you can call me Phil"

"Uhm... it's nice to meet you Phil, I'm Owen"

"I know mate, so, you woke up here and are looking for answers ay?"

"Y-yeah, one moment I was playing hide and seek with my child-friends, and the next I woke up here."

Philza nodded thoughtfully, "I see, can you tell me what your home is like? Maybe I could find it from above."

"Well... me and my friends live in a clearing surrounded by a giant maze that closes at night. We all woke up in a dark room, and were lifted up. I came up with my good friend Raspie, which was the first time two people had come up at the same time. Not the only time though as Red and Silvia came up together as well."

Once again Philza nodded thoughtfully, "I see, I must admit I've never seen a place like that before, but I promise we'll get ya back home, ok mate?"


"Say, maybe our friends disappearing and you appearing here are connected, if so, that could be pretty important. For now though, I got to check on my son-er friend, Tommy"

Owen nodded and watched as Phil took off, causing Sneeg to once again fly into Owen's face.

"Well that was... something" Owen said, once he was sure Phil was out of earshot.

"Yep that's Philza for you, call him by the name Crow Father he gets all terrifying and shit, but when you call him by Phil or Philza he turns into a sappy old man, or a sappy old crow."

"So I'm not the only one who gets called old when I'm not, huh, good to know"

"Yeah but Phil is actually old you see, my friend Scott once said he was like... 34 or something, so trust me when I say he is as old as it gets."

Owen jumped a bit at hearing the name Sneeg had said.

While Scott was probably a really common name, both Sneeg and Phil weren't normal as far as he knew.

And the Scott he knew seemed not normal even among other not normal people.

"You good Owen?" Sneeg asked

"Oh! Uh yeah, sorry I spaced out for a bit, my bad"

Owen decided not to bring up what he had been thinking about. Besides it was probably best if Phil was with them when he did eventually get around to doing it.

"Jeez you better have heard what I had said then, because I'm not gonna repeat it!"

"Yeah, don't worry I heard it loud and clear, no need to be all angry about it."

"Good, now anyway, can you tell me about where you live? It seems so weird and strange to say the least, I mean, a gigantic wall, I know the two Ender-Siblings were making a glass roof, but I've never heard of a wall before! I mean, how can you get in and out?"

"Well that's the thing, none of us can actually get out"


"Yep, we've been trying for a long time, but it's always proven to be too risky. Honestly I'm surprised none of us have died yet."

"Wait, why have none of you died!?"

"Because we're very safe...?"

"No I mean, how haven't you guys killed each other yet!?"

"Well like I said before we have to kind of work together, w-why is this so hard for you to understand?"

"Well me and my friends kill each other all the time! Or more accurately try to."


"Life gets borrrrrring, you gotta spice it up somehow."

"By trying to murder your friends!?"

"Pfft-they're not my friends, they all bully me for being small, even Niki does although I'm sure she doesn't try to."

Owen gave Sneeg a sad look.

He hadn't realized Sneeg had been so insecure with his hight.

So in an attempt to comfort him Owen said, "I don't think you're small, sure you might be a bit on the shorter side, but that doesn't make you small. Most people are just really big, y'know?"

Sneeg smiled softly at this.

"Y'know... Phil told me the same thing when we first met, although with the 'mate' of course. It was actually why I've stuck around despite how everyone else teases me."

"Well I'm glad I could help you in that sense"

"You know what this means right?"

"What does it mean?"

"It means you have to stay here forever!"

"What!? Why!?"

"Listen, you show me the slightest bit of kindness, I will die for you, that's just how these things work."

"Alright, I guess I'll have to move in then"

"Yes, yes you will"

Sneeg and Owen continued to chat about random things, with it eventually ending up with Owen having yet another child.

When a new figure climbed into the pube, they saw the two in a rather tiny sleep pile.

You have no idea how many times I've replaced the title.

But with that out of the way, thank you for all the support on this book I really do appreciate it, and thank you for 55 followers.

As always leave your guess to the song I chose right here —————>

And I shall see you in the next chapter.


Word count: 1229

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