Chapter Eight: You Cannot eat Money

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"OWEN!!!!!! SHELBY!!!!!!! MOHWEE!!!!!!!" Bek shouted at the top of her lungs.

As soon as the gates had opened the next day her, Magic, Wilbur, and Scott had gone into the maze to find their missing friends.

Even if it was a dead body it would still be something.

"I don't think shouting will get us anywhere" Magic pointed out

"Well it's better then just walking around aimlessly" Wilbur added, "that's all the first group did, they just walked and talked a bit, honestly what Ms. Eye-Wound is doing seems perfectly reasonable to me."

"And what if Mohwee and Owen are dead?" Scott questioned.

"Then we'll hear Shelby call back, either way it's a win, win."

"I'm not sure that's how it works" Magic chimed in sheepishly, she was a lot more scared of the ghosts then Bek was.

After she had realized they weren't from their old clearing, any fear she had once held had evaporated on the spot seeing they couldn't reveal what she had done to the others in their old clearing.

Or that she was never really the leader there.

"Should I go through the walls to find them?" Wilbur asked

"No, from what Guts and Squidney told us that was how Owen ended up getting attacked." Bek answered.

"Yeah you're correct" Scott confirmed.

"And how do you know this?" Wilbur questioned

"Guts told me while we were waiting for you guys to return from the maze"

"Yeah that checks out I guess"

Magic giggled a bit and Bek smiled.

She hadn't been her usual cheerful self for a while ever since Mohwee, Owen, and Shelby got trapped in the single most dangerous place in this hell hole.

Even if Magic would most likely never forgive her for what she did to the other clearing, Bek could still cherish the good times she and her had together, before the half-demon Apo pulled the lever, and prevented their door from closing during the night.

"HELLO!!!!!!?????" Bek called out again

"H-hello!?" A voice, unfamiliar to Bek responded.

"Who is this!?" Magic shouted

"Where are you!?" The voice asked sounding closer then before

"Over here!" Bek answered

"Where is here exactly!?"

"How do you expect me to answer that!?"

"You know what good point!"

"Can you follow my voice!?"

"I-I think so!"

"Ok! Just follow my voice then!"

"I will! You just need to keep shouting so I can hear you and follow your voice!"

"Yeah that seems fair! Ok so just keep listening to me rambling alright!?"

"Sounds good to me! By the way how many of you are there!?"

"Four! There is four of us! Do you want me to call us all by name!? Or should I wait to do that for when we're face to face!? Because I'm fine either way!"

"Uhm I think maybe wait till we're face to face!"

"Got it! I'm just gonna assume it will be the same for you! Right!?"

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