Chapter Ten: The Prom Queen has Blood on her Hands

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A younger Owen was thrust against a wooden building, blood dripping from his body.

"I can't believe the son of such a strong and powerful general could be this weak, did all those siblings do something to your brain or were you always this pathetic!" A woman with blonde hair that was covered in scars and wearing some sort of armour snapped.

Younger Owen's only response was the coughing of blood.

"You know, if I had more say I'd send that twin sister of yours over here and replace you with her, but for whatever reason Rowan doesn't want that, bitch move if you ask me, we need real soldiers, not scrappy little wimps."

The woman's words were biting and cut Owen to the core for reasons unknown.

"General Talia! A demon camp has been spotted just south of here! We believe they may be planning to ambush the training camp to weaken our forces!" A man also in armour said, running up to the woman who was apparently named Talia.

"Ugh, why did those stupid fucking creatures from hell have to show their shitty faces now!? I'm in the middle of preparing an equally useless bag of shit here for war!"

"I know! But the other official soldiers need a general, and with Rowan and Persephone on another mission we need you!"

Talia sighed, "you act like those soldiers are helpless idiots like this disgrace of a son over here! I trained those soldiers myself they don't NEED a general! And besides, Vivian has a high enough rank to lead the others."

The other soldier fidgeted nervously, "all valid reasoning, but-"

"No, no buts, I do not car how many fuckers there are! I am NOT!!!! Repeat NOT!!!!!! Going to let my training be interrupted by pests like them. Is that understood Akira?"

"Y-y-yes General T-Talia"

"Very good, now run along and go tell Vivian it's her time to shine, she isn't braindead like the rest of them, and I know she'll be a great and cunning general."

"If I may General Talia, are you only complementing Vivian because she is your daughter?"

"No! I'm saying that because she actually has a brain you pussy! Now run along"

Akira nodded, clearly terrified of her, and ran off to who knows where. Satisfied, Talia turns back towards younger Owen.

"While I'd just loooooovvvve to beat some sense into you, and take my anger out I have a feeling you want that don't you."

Younger Owen stiffened, and Talia smiled evilly.

"I bet you're just hooooopiiiing that I focus all my attention on you so that your little blonde friend doesn't get it instead. Well too bad bitch! Maybe if you get stronger I'll consider it! But I won't give you any sort of respect until you're actually worth respecting!"

Younger Owen started shaking, and it looked as if he was trying to push through the pain and stand up.

Talia laughed maliciously, "oh that riled you up huh you useless bitch!"

Shakily younger Owen stood up, glaring at Talia with hatful eyes, and grit teeth giving him the appearance of someone who was about to beat the crap out of someone.

"Y-you f-fucking bitch" younger Owen managed to cough out (well that and a bit more blood, BUT LETS NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF).

Talia smiled, "well I guess I could pity you a bit, but just remember that I won't be so nice next time."

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