Chapter Fifteen: Sing me a Song of Birthrights and Love

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Shelby woke up with tears falling down her face.

Not burning tears of lava.



She had sunken into the ground at least a meeter, and her body was curled into a ball.

What... happened?

Shelby couldn't remember why she was in the ground or why she was crying. She didn't even know where she was.

Was her name even Shelby?

She didn't know anymore.

She knew someone had called her Shelby, but someone else had called her... something else.

By the gods why was this so fucking hard to comprehend!?

Wait... how was she even in the ground!?

Shouldn't she be suffocating right now?

She couldn't feel herself breathing, but she didn't feel like she was dying either.

Suddenly everything came flooding back.




Her past

The flashback

Everything came back to her all at once.

She was dead. She had been killed by her own mother.


She and Owen were fucking siblings!

Owen was her older brother and Olivia was his twin sister!

Her name was Grace!

Shelby, no Grace laughed out loud a bit.

Calling her own big brother dad, if Mohwee was here he'd probably be on the floor wheezing at that.

I mean it wasn't like she hadn't called Owen dad before she had died.

It just felt so hilarious now.


Didn't that mean she should be a ten-year-old?

I mean that was the age she died so...

Grace once again laughed at this.

Her ghost must've grown to the age she would be if she were still alive.

The same must be for Wilbur, since he had vaguely mentioned he had died young.

Well new found memories aside, Shelby had a prisoner to set free.

Turning invisible once again Shelby flew back up to Gut's basement to get Apo, and convince him to help her and Mohwee find Owen.

Along the way she wondered which name she preferred.




Scott had given her the name Shelby since he was the first person she had met, and because she didn't actually know what her real name even was.

But Grace was the name her mother (Owen's stepmom) had given her at birth. Meaning that it was her birth name.

Well... Shelby did seem like a better fitting name.

And Grace had been the name given to her by the very person who had literally murdered her at age ten.

So when she put it like that Shelby decided to stick with the name Shelby, and completely ditch the name Grace.

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