Chapter Two: More People, Not Human

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Owen was thankful when the sun came back out and the gates finally opened up once more.

Gracie rushed over to them, looking like she hadn't slept a wink and jumped onto Owen nocking him to the ground as she wrapped him in a big hug.

Owen bit back a wince as his head clunked against the stone floor of the maze.

"Hello again!"

Gracie jumped off of Owen and he sat up and looked behind him to see Shelby, half of her body in the ground.

At least that's what Owen thought was the case considering how low to the ground the floating pumpkin was.

"What the-" "y'know I never really got your names, so I was thinking since I already told you my name, you could tell me yours!" Shelby said, interrupting Gracie.

"Oh right, I'm Owen the half-demon is Raspie, the other boy is Mohwee, and that's Gracie."

"I see, nice to meet you Gracie! I'm Shelby!"

"Uhm... it's nice to meet you to, say you remind me of someone who appeared the the clearing shortly after these three went in the maze."



"Can I meet them?"

"Uhm... sure I guess, I don't see anying wrong with that."

Gracie led the group towards three figures.

The first figure Owen recognized as the demon Guts, but the other two...

"Shelby!" A man who looked similar to Shelby called out, flying over to hug her.

"Wilbur!" Shelby cried






The two broke out into giggles after a while of repeating the others name.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Wilbur cried

"Same! It's been like forever since we talked."

"I know!"

Owen noticed that they were in the forest part of the clearing which was probably why they could see them.

How they didn't burn under trees Owen would never know.

It was only then that he took notice of the third figure.

He was dressed in mostly purple, and his hair seemed to practically move on it's own. His eyes also sparkled unnaturally, and he had pointed ears. All in all, Owen got a very unsettled feeling about this person or whatever he was.

Noticing his staring the figure walked up to him.

"Hello." The figure greeted, "I'm Scott, who are you?"

"Uhm, I'm Owen"

"Owen... that's a cool name"

"Uh, thanks? I guess"

Scott smiled, "no problem, and your home seems really nice, I don't know why you'd want walls surrounding you home, but you do you."

"Yeah well we didn't put them there"

"You didn't?"


"Really? Then who did?"

"We don't know, probably the people who put us here I would assume."

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