Chapter Nine: Their Execution Wouldn't go Unheard

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Owen woke up with a jolt.

Neither Mohwee or Shelby were anywhere to be found, but perhaps that was a good thing.

He was shaking all over.

That voice

So familiar yet so alien-like at the same time.

There was something about that voice that gave him the feeling of pure terror, but he couldn't figure out why.

Owen curled into a ball, hugging himself, and hoping in vein to find some sort of comfort.

As much as he hated to admit it, he missed Apo

Even if he had killed people he was still Owen's friend, and Owen missed him a lot, but until Shelby's gut said it was ok, he was stuck with his wounds in the maze.

As if the very thought itself had summoned her, Shelby came flying in with Mohwee close behind carrying something.

"You're awake!" Shelby said

"Uhm yeah I woke up a while ago"

"Did you have a good sleep dad?"


"That's good! Anyway I'm sorry for not waking you up"

"No it's fine"


"Yeah, I've been told I can get a bit on the defensive if I get woken up from sleep."

"Well then it's a good thing I convinced Mohwee to let you sleep then"


"Yeah, in my defence no one told me about that until now"

"Yeah I guess that's fair"

"So Owen did you have any dreams?" Shelby asked


"Not really, no"

"I see, sorry if that sounded like I was being nosy, I was honestly just really curious about what you dream about if at all."

"No it's ok I understand where you were coming from, where did you go by the way?"

"Oh, me and Mohwee woke up early around midnight, and we decided to go get some food considering the creature is dead and all, and even if it wasn't I could just lead it away, and let Mohwee get back to the book safely!"

"Did you see the creature?"


"Well that's good to know"

"It is!"

Shelby's smile was sweet, and genuine.

It reminded Owen of Olivia's smile, and that comforted him strangely enough.

"So did you get any food?" Owen asked and Mohwee nodded, a proud smile plastered onto his face.

"We sure did dad! We found scallops, strawberries, an orange, steak, pork chops, and apples!"

Owen nodded, ignoring the sting in his heart when he heard the word 'apple'.

"If you want I can go look for more" Shelby offered, "the food we got now will only last us at least a week, and it's important we don't run out and starve to death"

"True, but it's quite alright Shelby, I'll go look for more food when the sun goes down"

"But what if the creature finds you?"

"Then I'll handle it"

"Alright, if that's really what you want"

Owen gave the ghost a reassuring smile, and got a hug in return.

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