17 ♥♠Roses Galore♣♦ An Encounter With the Loud

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Well that was an interesting afternoon. You were now back outside in the courtyard. You could tell there was someone behind you, probably the person who refused to give you his name. The one you had to call ‘King of Clubs’. Because he was one of your classmates, you turned around and said “Hi there. It’s a nice day out isn’t it?” Eyes widening in slight shock, the tall fae responded with “It really is. The temperature is warm, but the breeze does make for a splendid day.” 

“YOU! HOW DARE YOU! YOU CANNOT SPEAK TO THE YOUNG MASTER MALLEUS IN SUCH A CASUAL MANNER!” a guy with mint green hair screamed at the top of his lungs. RIP your poor eardrums. You didn’t think that even Dazai and Chuuya during their worst arguments could reach such volume. Sheesh. 

“Sebek, it’s fine, she’s one of my classmates.” ‘King of Clubs’ spoke. And was he some kind of royalty or something? “One of your classmates? What class do the two of you share?” Lilia asked ‘King of Clubs’. “We share Advanced Dark Curses.” Malleus answered Lilia’s question. There was a fifth person with you all, but he appeared to have fallen asleep standing up. 

“WHAT IS YOUR NAME, CLASSMATE OF MALLEUS?” Sebek the screechy yelled. Ha! You finally knew his name! It was Malleus. But that didn’t take nearly as much effort as you thought it would to learn his name. “It’s Cleo.” you said, in a much quieter tone than Sir Screechy. “Who’s the guy sleeping standing up over there?” you asked none of them in particular, just wanting an answer. “That’s Silver, he has a slight problem staying awake.” Lilia explained to you. “Ah, ok” you responded to Lilia’s answer to your question. You couldn’t relate. On previous missions at work, you had had to stakeout someone for several days before. You were quite used to boredom. Wait! None of these people are mind readers, right? Trey and Cater had said that Diasomnia students excelled at magic. You just hope that didn’t include mind reading…

“I heard that you are from a different world, how are you adjusting?” Lilia asked you. “Pretty well. It’s just a matter of memorizing things that I haven't had to learn about before.” you responded. “That’s good. But if it ever becomes too much for you, please feel free to come visit us at Diasomnia. We would be happy to help.” Lilia offered to you. “IF BOTH MASTER LILIA AND THE YOUNG MASTER APPROVE OF YOU, I APPROVE OF YOU TOO.” Sir Screechy yelled to you. 

“Have you eaten recently?” Malleus asked you. “No, why do you ask?” you asked back. “We are about to head to our dorm to eat dinner. If you wish to, feel free to join us.” Malleus offered. “Sure, that sounds like fun.” you agreed. 

Time skip

After everyone had gotten to Diasomnia, with Sebek carrying Silver the entire way there since he was still asleep, Lilia entered the kitchen to start cooking. Silver woke up when Lilia announced that he would be cooking. Unable to convince Lilia that he would cook instead, both Silver and Lilia were the ones to cook dinner for that night. Sebek went into the kitchen as well to help prepare and set out dishes and other tasks. 

So you and Malleus were left by yourselves in the dormitory’s lounge. After a while of talking and getting to know each other a bit better, dinner was ready. “I couldn’t stop him from making the main course.” Silver said with a bit of defeat clear in his voice. Once you saw the food you knew exactly what was assaulting your sense of smell. It was the so-called main course. Welp, now you know that Lilia can't cook. Seemed like a really good piece of information to have.

At Malleus’ request you sat down next to him. Sebek served everyone their food, if you can even call it that at that point. You were pretty sure even Akutagawa would serve Atsushi better looking food. Oh well, moment of truth. You picked up a bite of the charred mess on your plate and proceeded to place it in your mouth. ACK!!!

Poison training really has led up to this particular moment in your life. Somehow you were able to choke it down without your face betraying your true feelings of the sorry excuse for nutrition. It seemed like everyone else at the table had a similar hatred for Lilia’s cooking, except they weren’t able to hide it as well. Lilia somehow was eating it like it was a five star gourmet meal. You would much rather eat the world’s deadliest poison rather than continuing to corrupt your tastebuds with the, um, how to describe it politely, hm, there really doesn’t seem to be a way, well, you’d continue calling it food even though it was anything but. 

Eventually, you were able to choke down all of it. Silver had prepared dessert to go with the meal, and no one can tell you otherwise, but that was the BEST dessert you’ve ever tasted. It was only probably so good because you had just painfully killed your tastebuds.

After dinner had concluded in its entirety, Silver and Sebek went to clean up while Malleus, Lilia and you went back out into the lounge. “How did you like dinner?” Lilia asked you. “It was like nothing I’ve ever tasted before” you managed to say after a bit of hesitation. You didn’t want to be rude since you were a guest after all. “Good! I’m glad!” Lilia beamed at your answer. Then the three of you changed the subject and had a pleasant conversation about other topics. One thing that surprised you however, was that Lilia had previously been employed as a Royal Guard during wartime. You would have never expected anyone here at Night Raven College to have even as remotely as dark of a background as you have.

Time passed quickly and soon it was long past sunset. Noticing this, you bid your farewells and headed out to Ramshackle. Malleus offered to accompany you, and so you agreed, your sense of direction wasn’t always the best, so it might be a really good idea.

Arriving back at the courtyard outside of the school, the night breeze felt nice and cool. Quite comfortable if you do say yourself. Seeing your comfort, Malleus said “It’s quite dark out tonight with no moon shining, and yet you seem perfectly at ease. You are quite strange, Daughter of Man.” “That might be, but it’s only on nights like this that you can see so many stars.” you replied while looking up at the numerous stars shining in the sky on this eerily dark night. 

The two of you continued to walk all the way out to the abandoned looking dorm. Reaching the gates, Malleus inquired “Is this dorm not abandoned anymore?” “No, it’s not, Yuu, Grim and I are living here until the Headmaster decides to start looking and find a way for us back home.” You said. “Hm” was all Malleus said in response. Then after a few seconds, he said “It was a pleasure spending this evening with you today, perhaps we can do it again sometime?” “Maybe, and it was an enjoyable time. I’ll see you later. Good night!” you said with a wave while continuing to walk backwards toward the dorm. “Good night.” he said in response with a small, yet noticeable smile on his face.

Reaching the dorm you entered, quickly headed to your room, and then collapsed on your bed. The day’s exhaustion knocked you into a deep sleep quite quickly.

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