▪️▫️Prologue▫️▪️ A Boring Library Experience

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"There really isn't anything." Mr. Crowley said to us. "Not only the world map, but the name of your home isn't written in any history. Are you truly from where you say? You aren't lying to me by any chance?" Yuu quickly interjected "What possible reason would we have for lying? We both just want to get back home as quickly as possible." You didn't say anything to that, despite Yuu's statement only being half true for you. You guessed it might be nice to be back home, but it wasn't the top thing, or even the top couple of things on your to-do list. Not having to work for awhile would be a nice change of pace.

Crowley continued after opening yet another book with the world map inside. Pointing to the map he said "Looking at all this, you may have somehow been brought here from another planet... Or another world due to some sort of mix up." To that Yuu commented "Yeah, I kinda got the feeling that was the case... I wonder what caused the mix up?"

"What did you have on you when you came here? Do you have anything that can verify your identity, like a driver's license for a magic car, or a slipper...? You both seem to be empty handed." Crowley inquired. "Umm..." Yuu said while patting down his pockets. "No I don't think so..." You spoke up as well, as it was kinda expected of you. It would be rude to ignore people when they are staring expectantly at you. "I have my wallet" you shrugged. "It has... Just a credit card in it." Crowley excitedly said "Great! So one of you does have identification!" "Nope." You cut him off. "It's my boss's card." "Well that is concerning." Crowley started "I can't just let someone who can't use magic to stay at school. However, as an educator, I can't just toss one penniless teenager and another with both of you having no means of contacting your guardians out on the street."

Crowley paused for a couple of seconds. You really didn't want to sleep out in the cold, dark night. It might be more comforting and welcoming than at home, but still, who volunteers to sleep on the grass when one isn't camping? "For I am gracious. Hmmmm... I know! There is an unused building on campus. It was once used as a dormitory in the past, so if you can clean it up, you should at least be able to sleep there. For the time being, I shall allow you both to stay there! My graciousness is limitless! I am a model for all educators. We had better be on our way. Let's head to the dormitory. It may be a bit old, but there is a certain charm to it." Bird brain, sorry, Mr. Crowley finished.

You had a bad feeling about this... It seemed that crow was lazy when he didn't even help catch Grim earlier. And you wondered how long the unused building had been unused. Few people would call an old, uninhabited building charming, luckily you were on of those few. Abandoned places typically held some sort of mystery or treasure, it just depended on your luck to see which one you would get. For Yuu's sake it would probably be best if it wasn't haunted with malicious ghosts, or had anything bad within it really. You on the other hand didn't care. It would be interesting to see what the coin would reveal.

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